Chapter 2: Let the party begin!

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Alois' POV

"Claude! It's almost time for the party!" I shouted up the stairs. "Decorate the manor! Now!"
I felt a sudden movement then Claude walked from behind me. "Yes your highness." He responded as he bounded onto the chandelier.

I walked to my room to get ready. 'I have ten minuets...what should I wear?' I thought while looking through my closet. ' wear booty shorts every day, so that's' I sighed in frustration and crossed my arms. 'What do I do now?'

I jump onto my bed and lay there for a few minutes. 'Claude should be done by now, he can help me.' I stood up and opened my door. I begin walking down the hall and I turn the corner. "Claude! Help me find something to wear!"
I called as he finished the decor. I returned to my room and Claude followed close behind.

"I want something to impress Ciel. So I can show him I've changed." I gave my orders and my butler bowed. He went through and picked out a black tailcoat with a dark blue shirt and long black pants.
"Good work! I'm sure Ciel will love it, epically the blue."

Claude undressed me and then helped me into my outfit. When he finished there was a knock on the door downstairs. "The guests have arrived!" I jumped and raced to the double doors. I opened them and people began to walk in.
I greeted everyone, while waiting for my special guest to arrive. After a short period of time the entire dance hall was filled with voices and laughter.
"Where is he?" I asked myself. I turned my head and saw Ciel climbing the stairs with his butler. "Ciel! You're here!!" I almost pounced on him. I noticed Ciel's surprised face and paused.'No, Alois. Restrain yourself. Don't appear childish.'
I made a mental note and calmed down. "Welcome to my manor." I smiled and Ciel thanked me.

He walked in and soon disappeared into the crowd. "This night will be perfect. I'll make sure of it." I smiled to myself and clapped my hands. "Let the party begin!"

Hello! I did better, right? Well at least I hope so.

Alois: I'm excited for the sex scene later on. *giggles*

Me: Shut up! Ciel doesn't know about that yet!

Ciel: What? I heard my name.

Me: N-nothing! Anyways, see you soon!

Ciel: Seriously! What is it??

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