Chapter 8: The Date(Part 2)

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Alois' POV

'Ciel really cares. I always believed no one did.' I thought to myself while glancing to Ciel. 'Thank you for caring.' I hadn't realized that I said the last part out loud until he turned to me.
I immediately looked away, I couldn't drag him into my problems. All of the sudden I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Ciel pulled me into a tight hug and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"You're not alone here, Alois. Just talk to me if something is bothering you. I'm here." After he said that I could feel my eyes begin to tear up again.
I pulled him even closer than before. We sat in silence the rest of the way there.

••••••Another boring time skip••••••

It was nice to be in Ciel's arms. Warm and comforting. I wanted to remain there longer, but the carriage soon came to a stop. Sebastian appeared in the door and opened it.
"We have arrived in town." He announced. Ciel and I climbed out and looked around. "Shall I escort you? Or would you like me to leave you two love birds alone?" Sebastian asked while giving us his signature smirk.

"We will be fine, Sebastian. Just don't wander too far. Oh, and if you come back with any type of feline I will punish you." Ciel stated. I could see the pink tint on his cheeks while he spoke, it was adorable.
"Yes, my lord." He bowed and walked off.

"Let's walk around for a bit. Look through some stores." I suggested. Ciel agreed and turned around, starting off. I skipped over and walked beside him. When he wasn't paying attention I took a quick glance behind me. Just to catch Sebastian walking into the pet store.
I laughed to myself and took Ciel's hand. I saw him tense a bit before he looked at me, then he relaxed.

"How about that little shop? They have nice clothes." I offered. He nodded and said, "Sure. Whatever you want to do is fine with me."
I giggled and skipped over to the store. Just when I was about to open the door, two people appeared on the other side. It took me a second before I realized who they were. "Alois, hey!" Cassidy smiled and Elizabeth gritted her teeth. "Hello."

I smiled and waved. "Hi there! What brings you here?" I ask.
"Just buying a few things. Where's Ciel?" Cassidy asked.
"I'm here. Hello again." He came from behind me.
"It's nice to see you both, but we better be on our way. Don't want to disturb your date." She said.
"How did you know we were on a date?" Ciel asked. I nodded in agreement.
"I'll explain it sooner or later. Just go have fun, but not too much." She winked and walked off, dragging an angry Elizabeth behind her.

Ciel and I blushed before walking into the store. My eyes scanned the room before I found what I was looking for. "Aha! Ciel, follow me." I stated and grabbed his hand. I pulled him over to where they had the pants. I soon found what I was looking for.
"Here. Try these on." I shoved a pair of shorts into his hands.

"B-but these are really the ones you wear." Ciel fumbled.
"We can match! Just go try them on!" I pushed him into the changing area and waited. After about five minutes I decided I've had enough.
"What's taking you so long?" I walked over and opened the curtain. "It doesn't take that long to-" I stopped once I saw him.

He looked incredibly sexy. "Damn..." My eyes roamed his body.
"Alois! Don't look at me like that." He blushed and turned around. 'It looks even better from the back.' I thought while biting my lip.
"I'm not wearing this." Ciel's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

Before he had the chance to take them off, I snatched his old shorts and dragged him out of the changing room. "W-what?" Ciel was surprised.
We made our way to the counter. I pulled out some money and placed it in front of the clerk. "Just the shorts." I said while pointing to Ciel's pants. The clerk nodded and took the money.

We were soon out of the store and I smirked triumphantly. "What the hell? I can't wear these!" He cried and looked down.
"You look great. Trust me." I winked at him. His face returned to the same red shade and he sighed.
"Fine. What next?" He asked.

I thought for a second and shrugged. "We can keep walking until something catches our eyes."
So me and Ciel were off again. The rest of the afternoon was fantastic. We looked through some more shops and talked for awhile. Ciel and I each got a little stuffed animal, his was a black dog and mine was a yellow cat.

Surprisingly he was the one who suggested getting the stuffed toys, to which I was very happy. Soon it was nearing dark so we decided it was best to start home. "Sebastian, come here." Ciel said. I felt a rush of air, then suddenly he appeared in front of us.
"Time to go home I assume?" He asked. We both nodded before returning to the carriage. I noticed Sebastian trying to hold in laughs. He must have noticed Ciel's new shorts. I climbed in first and Ciel soon followed. "Best date ever." I smiled.

"Yes it was. I'm glad you had fun." He said while returning my smile. I let out a small yawn and placed my head on Ciel's lap. "I'm tired." I whined. He began running his fingers through my blonde hair.
"Then sleep." He whispered. I could feel myself getting drowsy and I closed my eyes. "Thank you, Ciel." Was the last thing I said before drifting into a dreamless sleep.

So? How was the date? I think it went pretty well.

Cassidy: I loved it! And Ciel in booty shorts? That was sexy.

Alois: I know right!

Ciel: Hey! I'm never wearing those again!

Alois: *pouts* Aw! Why did you change?

Ciel: Because I refuse to wear those dreadful things.

*Alois and Cassidy whisper to eachothers*

Ciel: Why are you whispering?

Alois: Come here~

Ciel: What?

Cassidy: *Tackles Ciel*

Ciel: Gah!!

Alois: *removes Ciels shorts and replaces them with the booty ones*

Ciel: I'm not wearing these!!

Cassidy: Oh, yes you are. *takes picture*

Me: Well that was interesting. Hey Cassidy, send me that pic.

Cassidy: Kay.

Me: Well, see ya next time!

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