Chapter 14: Dancing in the Garden

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Ciel's POV

Alois dragged me out the doors and into the garden by the manor.
"Alois, you do realize that neither of us are wearing shoes?" I complained. All I got was a giggle in response. We are lucky it's summer out, otherwise it would have to cold outside without shoes.
Once Alois released my hand, he began twirling and laughing. "Dance with me, Phantomhive!"

I sighed and sat on a nearby bench. "I don't dance." I simply stated. Alois frowned and sat on my lap. "I am sure you are a wonderful dancer." He smiled, kissing my cheek. I blushed as he placed his arms around my neck.
"I...can't dance." I mumbled and this time, blushed from embarrassment.
"Oh? Well, let me be your tutor in dancing!" He said excitedly. "May I have this dance, my lady?"

Alois bowed and smirked. "Why am I the girl?" I pouted.
"Because you're short. Now lets begin." He smiled. I let out a sigh before taking his hand. "Olé!" The blonde giggled. I placed one hand on his shoulder and the other in his free hand. Alois placed a hand on my waist. "Alright, lets start."
He lead me across the ground and around the flowers.
"You're doing well Ciel! I'm-OW!" Alois jumped back and held his foot.
"I warned you. I just can't dance..." I mumbled, upset that I hurt him.

All of the sudden Alois sprang up like nothing happened. "It's ok! I won't give up!"
He swung me back into the dancing position we were in prior. "Alright. One two three...good! One two three, one two three." He smiled, and soon, I found myself smiling to. 'This feels amazing. Being here with Alois like feels right.' I thought.

Once I caught on, Alois and I danced smoothly amongst the flowers. The beautiful smell of the roses filled my nose as he spun me around. I twisted in circles until he pulled me back into his embrace. I laughed. Something I rarely do. We continued to glide along until he took me by surprise by dipping me down.
Alois had a smirk and I mirrored it. He pulled me back up and spun me again. This time he laughed. But when he pulled me back up, Alois lost his footing and we both fell.

The position we were in was extremely awkward. My arms were on either side of him, with one leg in between his legs. My face went red again and Alois just smiled. He took his hands and cupped the sides of my face.
Before I had time to react, he pulled me into a kiss. Out of instinct I kissed back immediately. It was slow and passionate.
When we pulled apart, I closed my eyes. 'Alois has the ability to make my heart flutter so easily.' The thought made me grin. Apparently I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Alois pick me up bridal style.

"H-hey!" I stuttered while he kept spinning us in circles. By the time he stopped we were both dizzy. "Let's lay down." Alois suggested. I nodded and we both lied in the grass. The breeze created a romantic effect.
He reached over and took my hand in his. "I love you, Ciel." He grinned.
"I love you too, Alois."

Do you know how many times I fangirled while writing this chapter? Let's just say, it was a lot. If you have any feedback for me, please don't hesitate to comment or PM me. I will gladly take suggestions :3

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