Chapter 10: Dress Up

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Alois' POV

I am absolutely ecstatic about getting to dress up Ciel. I can't believe he agreed to do it. I thought he'd be a prick and refuse.
Once he said yes, I immediately ran to get the booty shorts. Those were the first thing that I was putting on him.

I will admit, I'm also happy about getting to undress him...the thought of his body...
"Uh, Alois? You're drooling." Ciel said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, don't worry about it, sit on the bed." I commanded. Ciel gradually sat as I gathered the rest of the outfit.

Once I undressed him (With a bit of staring at certain *ahem* "areas") I put him in the clothes. When done, he looked absolutely adorable. I had him in a dark blue shirt with the same color head band.
He had the booty shorts of course, and a pair of purple boots which matched the bows I tied around his wrists. "Kawaii! I should be a fashion designer." I laughed.

"What the bloody hell did you put on me?" He looked at his outfit while messing with the bows.
"I put clothes on you, duh! Now come on, we still have a ton of combinations of clothes for you to wear!" I giggled. He sighed in defeat and sat once again.

What I put on Ciel next was something more for my enjoyment. He had a pair of knee-high black boots, along with tight black shorts. He had a blood red bow tie to match his gloves.

"You look so sexy!" I giggled and basically eye raped him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ciel questioned. He leaned to the side, placing a hand on his hip. Apparently he didn't notice that the pose made the shorts ride up his ass and thighs.

I started drooling again while Ciel just looked confused. "L-lets get you into another outfit, before I rip off your shorts." I suggested. 'I really want to undress him...' My mind wandered again.

"Alois!! Stop spacing out!" I heard Ciels voice.
"Oh, sorry! Go over and sit." I walked back to the closet and pulled out a pink dress and matching hat with roses lined at the bottom.

"Hey, Ciel? We never bought a what is this?" I held it up and his face flushed.
"Uh,'s n-not mine..." He fumbled.
"Well then whose is it?" I questioned further.
"I-it's... Sebastian's! Yea, that's it. It's Sebastian's dress." He confirmed.
I didn't believe it. How could this belong to Sebastian?!
"It's in your size. Sebastian could never fit into this." I stated. He looked down and didn't answer. I sighed and walked over to him.

"Well...yours or not. I'm putting it on you." I smirked.
After dressing him, I skipped back to the closet and snatched two hair extensions that matched Ciel's hair color.

I clipped them onto his hair and placed the hat on his head.
"You look sooo good as a girl! If I wasn't gay, I would totally screw you."

He immediately blushed and looked around, completely avoiding my gaze. I grabbed him by the waist and got him into a dancing position.
"Want to dance, my lady?" I asked. His blush deepened.

"I'll take that as a yes." I smiled. I began hummed a song as Ciel and I glided across the floor. I spun him around and giggled. 'He's a great dancer. Surprisingly.' I thought.
Once I finished the song we parted. "Next outfit!!" I squealed and dashed back to the closet. I decided to do a new theme, a bunny suit. It was this big pink jumper with a white middle and big pink bunny ears on the top.

"What the hell? Where did that come from??" Ciel gawked at the suit. I just shrugged and shoved it into his hands.
"Don't ask questions. Just change."

Once he was in the outfit I laughed. "You look hilarious! In a cute way."
He simply sighed, giving up. Somehow, Ciel managed to look sexy in a bunny suit. I pounced and hugged him, "Looking good." I commented. He blushed again.

"You blush a lot." I said smirking.
"Because you make me blush!" He retorted.
"With my sexiness?"
"What? No..."
"You paused! So it's true!"
"Yes! You just want in my shorts, don't you Ciel?"
"What? Shut up Trancy!"
"You are blushing again."
"If you would keep quiet for once, I wouldn't be!"
"Ok fine. I'll keep quiet."

After our mini argument, I decided to make Ciel blush without speaking. 'This will be fun.' I smiled to myself and walked over, pushing Ciel onto the bed. I climbed on top of him and his face went red.
"What a-are you d-doing?" He sounded like a helpless child. I leaned down and licked his jaw line over to his lips. At this point his face looked like an apple.

"I knew it!! You just want in my shorts! You are blushing!" I shouted at him. He was still laying on the bed, dazed. I stood and smirked. "We will finish this later."
Out of nowhere Sebastian entered the room. "Dinner is prepared, young master." He stated. His eyes drifted from me to Ciel. He covered his mouth and let out a few snickers before closing the door.

"Lets go eat. After, I'll find more ways to make you blush." I smirked while walking out the door. Ciel followed slowly behind. 'I think I'll eat quickly, then we can get to dessert.'

Hey!! Did you enjoy the outfits? I know I did. Everyone is eating so it's just me, which is good because I have a few announcements.

1) I want to thank everyone for reading my fanfic. It's amazing how I have so many views!

2) I'm going to write longer chapters for you all! Be happy.

3) If it takes me awhile to update, it doesn't mean I'm quitting the story. It just means something came up. I promise that if that happens, I'll try to update as soon as I get the chance.

Once again thanks to everyone. Until next time!

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