Chapter 16: Lock The Door

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Thank you SAO_BlackButler for commenting on my last chapter. So I decided to do a lemon chapter for you perverts reading :3 I mean, who doesn't want to read Yaoi?
Ciels POV

Alois and I walked hand-in-hand into my manor. I couldn't help but smirk slightly, 'I know where this is going.' I lead him to my room and sat on the bed, kicking my shoes off.
"How about we lock the door?" Alois smirked and turned the lock. He swayed towards me as my eyes followed the movements of his hips.

"Like what you see? How about we try this with less clothing?" His smirk widened when he climbed on top of me. I blushed a bit as he unbuttoned my shirt, slowly removing it. My chest was completely exposed for his eyes to wander.
"Your turn." I said, untying his bow and tossing it on the floor below us. I worked my way down the buttons of his shirt and soon enough, we were both half naked. Alois' warm hands roamed my body tracing everything.

Not to long after, he moved to my pants. "Oh~ How about we see what is under here." He giggled and peeled my shorts off. Alois did the same with his and we were left with nothing but our boxers. At this point I couldn't take it. I flipped our position so I was now on top. I removed his boxers and pressed against his aroused member.

Alois released a slight moan and blushed. "Not fair, Phantomhive." He whined, tugging at the hem of my underwear. Getting the message, I pulled them off as well. Alois leaned up and our lips connected. I roamed his wet cavern as we battled for dominance.
Suddenly Alois' hand gripped my length and he began stroking.
"A-Alois." I groaned into the kiss while his hand movements increased. 'Oh, your not winning that easily.' I thought while I ran my hand along his inner thighs. I discovered this was a spot that made him weak, so I took it to my advantage.

Just as predicted, Alois moaned louder and broke the kiss. Tilting his head to the side. I smirked and crawled down, my head now between his legs.
"Ciel what- Ah!" He jerked slightly when my tongue glided around his thighs in the same spot as before.
"C-Ciel please..." He begged. I nodded and took his cock into my mouth. His hips bucked and he began to pant.

My head bobbed as Alois tangled his fingers in my hair. My cheeks hollowed as I sucked quicker. He kept breathing heavier with every motion.
After awhile, I removed my mouth with a loud POP. I didn't allow him to speak before putting two of my fingers into his mouth.
Alois sucked and coated them with his warm tongue. I soon pulled my fingers out and traced the outside of his ass.
I noticed him gasp when he realized what I was about to do.

Slowly, I inserted both fingers into him. He cried out and stared breathing heavily again when I moved. It was hard to control myself, he looked so sexy like this. I wanted him now.
Once I slicked his hole, I positioned myself at the entrance.
"Ready?" I asked, staring into his gorgeous icy eyes.

Alois gave me a nod before I pushed myself inside him. "So...tight!" I groaned while thrusting my hips. Alois was a panting mess under me and I loved it.
"C-C-Ciel!" He moaned louder when I hit his spot.
I gave a small smirk and kept hitting that spot over and over again.
"Ah...oh god Alois." I moaned again while grabbing his hips.

This continued for a few more minutes before I felt that familiar knot in my stomach. I placed a hand on his cock and began stroking it quickly.
"Fuck! Ciel!!" Alois screamed and grabbed the sheets.
"A-Ah!" We both moaned before reaching climax. I let go inside him and pulled out. I fell forward and into Alois' embrace.
"That was great." He breathed. I nodded in agreement and smiled. "Your really sexy when you dominate, Ciel. You know that, right?" He smirked.
"Shut up."

So much yaoi! *nosebleeds* Anyway, I have been hit in the face with writers block. If you have any ideas, I will takes them. Greatly appreciate it!!


Ciel: Yea...

Me: So you enjoyed it Ciel?

Ciel: Kind of...ok yes.

Alois: Yay! *hugs Ciel* You are so adorable!

Ciel: I am not adorable!

Me: You kinda are.

Ciel: Humph *crosses arms and pouts*

Alois: See? ADORABLE!

Ciel: Ugh. If I admit to being adorable, will you shut up?

Alois: Sure!

Ciel: *sighs* I am adorable.

Alois: Yes you are!!

Me: Ciel admitted to being kawaii! Yes!!! Well anywho, I'm off to wonderland! Until next time.

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