20| He can kill

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When the blood sample suddenly got placed on the wooden furniture, hands grabbed him before he even got the chance to blink with his eyes. Roughly they pushed him through the room until the boy hit the ledge by the wall. Fangs were bared threatening at him, and hissing sounds made him constant gulp in fear.

"Where did you get this?!" the taller man spat at him, not caring the mildest about how he was supposed to seem friendly towards Hongjoong.

The smaller shook his head in fear while he frantically clawed at the wall behind him with his small trembling hands, "It's not what you think! I swear!"

Mingi dipped down with an even louder hissing sound, black liquid began dripping from the corner of his mouth. He was not just angry at him, no Mingi was mad at Hongjoong, ready to kill him at the spot.

"Then what am I then supposed to think, you really need to have a really unbelievable explanation for what I just saw. Are you fucking crazy?! Committing mutiny against this whole world you've just stepped into!"

Mingi slammed the shorter boy's head into the wall, squeezing around his face as he was ready to rip with all his might Hongjoong's head off his body if Hongjoong made the slightest wrong move.

"N-no-no!" stuttered Hongjoong, gulping in desperation as his mind ran around in circles, not knowing what to do in this situation.

Fuck, he didn't even knew what Mingi was saying? Wasn't the red liquid just blood?

The taller man angled his head and glared dangerously into Hongjoong's eyes. He really was seeing red by now.

Suddenly Hongjoong forced words out of his mouth, "It's-it's not mine!"

"So, you're more than just you?!" Mingi roared and crushed the poor little body further into the wall.

Hongjoong groaned out in pain as he closed his eyes tightly. He couldn't make himself say anything as every part of his senses got trampled under the strong hands of Mingi. Every time he tried, the air got pushed out of him again together with all his words, even if he didn't need air to breathe, he needed it to talk. And Mingi was now keeping a really tight hand around his throat now. Continuously, he banged Hongjoong's skull into the hard wall behind him, slowly cracking the backside of his cranium, without giving him time for speaking a single time. Hongjoong cried out as a red substance splattered out of his nose from all the high pressure in his head. If his heart still had beaten, it would have sprung out of his chest from pain and panic right now. He wondered if vampires were able to faint from too high stimulation.

He had enough when his head felt dizzy and all the bloody smells felt too much for his sensitive senses. With weak hands, Hongjoong reached for Mingi's wrists that were attached to him in the beating. And then he squeezed with all strength he had left; trying to crush Mingi's hands away before tears would run from his red gashing eyes. Slowly they were left to the sound of mingi's bones breaking painfully and he instinctively let go of Hongjoong again, but Hongjoong never did. His eyes were glowing with a madness red, suddenly losing his mind to the unknown strength that struck inside of him. He ran for the taller man and attacked him, letting go of the bloodsucking beast and revenging for the pain that burned under his hide. He smashed his exposed knuckles into Mingi's head, knocking him over into the wall on the opposite side and digging his fingers into his shoulders before inserting his fangs into his throat with a hiss. Mingi choked out on his spit and venom and bit down into his lip as Hongjoong's venom shot through his system, making him paralyzed for several seconds.

Hongjoong never knew what he was doing. His instincts had by now taken over his whole body, tainted his actions into a bloodthirsty monster. And he was not gentle.

Mingi felt trapped under the smaller vampire, as he kept struggling to free himself. Hissing, kicking, wiggling, even spitting, nothing did work and Hongjoong did only tighten his grasp around his wrists even more as he twisted his fangs deeper down. Pain over flooded Mingi's senses as the other vampire hungrily sucked the blood. Strange enough he didn't care the slightest about the venom that was mixed into Mingi's mix of blood. The table had simply turned.

"H-Hongjoong let go."

Seconds ago he had felt fine, strong even. Minutes after he felt his energy seep away from him as the other drank up his blood.

"You-you're killing me."

His eyes fell backward into his cranium. Mingi lost track of time, and the only thing he knew was that he was losing too much blood. Even for a vampire. He didn't fight against Hongjoong anymore, well, he wasn't even able to lift a hand anymore. The smaller vampire didn't seem to hear anything, as he was leaned over Mingi, sucking the blood for hours now. His red eyes were still shining dangerously.

Hongjoong wanted to let go, the inner of himself nearly at the edge of wanting to tear himself to shreds for doing this. But he just couldn't. The taste felt overwhelming for his new sense of taste and the thirst for it did simply never quench. He growled out while trying to move his head away, only with the result of making the wounds deeper. He wanted to cry. What was wrong with him?! With his fingers, he tried searching for the support he never found. He really was alone at this.


Suddenly Hongjoong threw himself away, hissing loudly out and buckling over to the side before he burst. His mind tried to stab the monster down to the ground, and his body suddenly couldn't fit into the situation anymore as he threw up across the wooden floor. Blood was running down everywhere, his yellow shirt turning into a sticky orange color. All his inside curled together and he startled let a sob escape his lips from the harsh tore at his mind. Hongjoong felt terribly uncomfortable about everything.

He felt disgusted.

And then he felt terrified.

As Hongjoong tried to hide behind his arm, all his senses bloating up like a storm. The blood, the pain, his sizzling veins - it all felt too overwhelming and he wanted to escape himself.

He was shaking in a cramping way, as his body was in a shocking state, still not used to everything yet. And the bitter-sweet flavor swelling across his tongue wasn't helping either. He..he had almost killed him, with- with this beast living inside of him. He couldn't control his murderous instincts.

In a swift move, he turned himself around and took a glance with dancing nerves at the other vampire who was laying on the wooden floor without any sounds coming from him. The bad feeling fell deeper than he had expected, and Hongjoong bit aggressively down in his bottom lip while he tried holding all his emotions in check. What had he done... His hands wandered across his blood-stained face, coloring his face even more with his red fingers. The feeling got worse, and he couldn't figure out if he should get closer to the other, or stay away. He was afraid of attacking the other again, and it wasn't a lie to say that he could feel his fangs dig the inside of his mouth as well as the venom flood his cavern again. He knew his eyes were still glowing their significant sign of his uncontrollable wild instinct. Unconsciously he licked his lips and gave in to his fears. No, he couldn't!

Growling at himself, he forced his eyes away from Mingi again and swallowed troublesomely. He hated this and his mind was still too foggy to think about what to do. This was a too difficult situation for him to stay in, so quickly got up and tripped backward away from the strong smell of blood, every step he took made his sight go black when the shock went through him. Think think think. What might help? The world twisted around and Hongjoong surprisingly found himself in front of the refrigerator filled with everything he needed to survive. Without any warning, his front head crashed against the door when he suddenly lost his balance. The knock gave echoes everywhere in his head like he felt the hit a hundred more times than he actually should. Why did he suddenly feel so weak? Hongjoong felt his whole body clench together in pain and he turned over to the side to puke again. He never registered when he had landed on the floor again. He just wanted someone to help him. This wasn't normal. Blood ran in long strings from his swollen lips and he collapsed against the floor, knocked cold out.

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