11| Reunion

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The last time he was here, he had tumbled down the stairs towards the exit. Now the whole situation had taken a 180 degrees turn, and instead, he was moving up the stairs again. Seonghwa had decided not to pull the bell down in the hallway and instead promptly continued up the two floors. His eyes shifted as he slowly moved upward step by step. One of the automatic lights were blinking somewhere above him, alternating light and darkness. Seonghwa frowned, it seemed so strangely quiet unlike the windy weather outside.

His sneakers resounded toward the final steps and Seonghwa stroked across the floor toward the closed, very familiar door. There was a puzzling thing about doing this as if he'd never been here before. Almost like there was an odd feeling radiating from the act, and Seonghwa did not like it. It felt almost wrong of him to take in a deep breath and pull the doorbell, then he inserted both of his hands far down in his deep jacket pockets. His nerve pathways burst loose under his skin with sparks bouncing back and forth before his gaze. Seonghwa stood in the middle of a cold sweat, waiting for someone to answer. Nerve-wracking. He mostly just wanted to grab the door and peel it open, so that patience could wait for another time. But Seonghwa did not, instead, he mastered the driving thoughts that tore like savagery in him, waiting patiently for a sign. The more seconds passed, the further down he pressed his hands into the stuffed pockets as if the seconds meant a point of no return. He moistened his lips, but in the middle of the action, the door gently said click and led to Seonghwa stopping everything he had to think about. Which also meant the idea of ​​Hongjoong.

The lower boy appeared in front of him, his blonde hair was the first thing that caught his eye followed by his twinkling eyes framed by a pair of round specs. The words stuck in Seonghwa's throat, even though he wanted to say a million things to the younger one, a mixture of accusations, but also the benefits relief. He didn't know what filled most.

"I told you not to come."

Seonghwa paused for a brief second to take in the new words. Could it really fit that it should be imagined to be his best friend's first words to him after such a long time? Seonghwa rolled his eyes mentally, not even provoked by Hongjoong's statement.

"And I said I would come, so move your feet and let me in," Seonghwa replied in the same tone as the blonde boy.

Seonghwa knew he had Hongjoong trapped in a corner now, and could do nothing but do as he said. So when Hongjoong moved from the door, Seonghwa immediately followed in without a single hesitation. His eyes wandered gently around as if it was the first time Seonghwa entered the apartment. The frightening sight from the last time he was here, was lurking in the back of his head, waiting for the perfect time to leap forward. Seonghwa shivered when a chill air met him, it was quite cold in here, even though Hongjoong turned on lights all the way inside. Unbeknownst to him, he had a constant feeling of how wrong this felt as they crossed the apartment and sat down at the only table Hongjoong had. Then it dawned on him how neatly tidied up here was comparable to what used to be.

Hongjoong's gaze fell down in the direction of the elder and Seonghwa followed the gaze down to his black coat he was still wearing.

"Don't you want it off?" Hongjoong asked, raising his gaze to the elder's eyes.

Seonghwa shrugged and avoided the blonde's gaze by looking out the window and the dark shades the cloudy night sky cast down over the city.

"When are you leaving again?"

He rolled his eyes at the youngest again and slightly wrinkled his eyebrows. Hongjoong's gaze was almost impossible to read, but his leg bounced restlessly up and down under the table.

"Since when have you wanted to avoid my presence as much as now?" Seonghwa's previous pity for Hongjoong was erased with that annoyed feeling again. What was wrong with him?

The blonde didn't answer but looked away from the other, all his ear-piercings jingling in the movement. Seonghwa inhaled a hurried breath, squeezing harder on the jacket's fabric with his hands until his knuckles turned white. There was a reason for his behavior, but why could Hongjoong not just tell him? Seonghwa's thoughts were divided and so was his mood. He knew he shouldn't react like that, but he just couldn't help it.

"Have I done something wrong?"

His voice was not meant to break, but it did at the same time as another thought split in two.

He took another deep breath and turned his head to blink the tears away. He did not even know if it was tears shaped in anger or disappointment.

Maybe it was just some kind of last up made solution to get rid of all the suddenly growing emotions that seemed to be shaping up in his mind.

"I saw you two weeks ago. You were unconscious, smeared in, in what looked like blood, " he began. Seonghwa didn't even know where all the truth talking came from.

"Maybe I'm not allowed to know what's going on in your life, fair enough. But I'm just worried about you, that's all.

Seonghwa got up from his chair and turned around towards the younger one, who was sitting and biting himself strenuously hard in his lip.

"Bye Hongjoong, I'll leave now."

The young man left the apartment with a bad taste in his mouth.

The story will soon catch some more spice..

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