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Days went by, and the light outside grew shorter and shorter. Seonghwa sat comfortably on the couch, an arm wrapped around his girlfriend, as he stared out the window while spacing out. The rain was quietly drumming down the glass and creating running patterns. The girl beside him sat with her legs crouched up against her body, and her drawing pad placed on top of her knees. He knew she was long lost in her own world, as well as he was himself, but the question still kept tightening around his tongue, almost forcing itself out of his mouth. It annoyed him deeply, that the blood sample had disappeared by itself, and something in him wanted to ask Emma if she had taken it. Seonghwa knew she hadn't. Just looking at her peaceful figure, made him believe that she wasn't the culprit in this issue. It was impossible, and also, what would she even want to do with the sample, if it actually was her, who had taken it? It didn't make any sense, and Seonghwa forced/ himself to withdraw the question again. The situation was just a disturbing headache in the back of his head. Perhaps, it was because of what date it was today.

7th November.

Seonghwa had been thinking about it all day; if he should call his best friend, send a message, visit him, do anything. And that was mostly why his mind felt so messy. Never in the time he had known Hongjoong, had he skipped the celebration of the younger's birthday. Always had Seonghwa made his visit and stayed at Hongjoong's for the rest of the day. It was like a tradition, where they did exactly the same things year after year. Seonghwa would come at 5 pm, they would eat the pancakes Seonghwa had brought with him together with the ice cream Hongjoong had bought. Fresh fruits were added to the sweet food as well, and after that, they would always bake a cake and decorate it with the remains of the fruits, just the two of them. The friends would spend the evening ordering pizza, playing games, and watching movies. Nothing fancy. Seonghwa had always wanted to do something more extraordinary for the younger, but every time he had brought it up, Hongjoong had declined, and told him that this was perfect for him. The older hadn't really believed his words, but a year where they had alcohol to celebrate, drunk Joong had really poured his heart out at the older, telling him how his birthday celebrating with Seonghwa always was his favorite day of the year. He loved the smile the smaller male had been wearing, and the honest look in his eyes.

But now, Seonghwa couldn't stop thinking how disappointed Hongjoong must feel at the moment: his best friend hadn't even sent him a single 'happy birthday'. His guts were strangling him in bad feelings, and Seonghwa felt it difficult to stay in his own body. Why couldn't he just send him a small message?! It would not be that hard to do, and then he could say that he had done his best, and that should be enough. But Seonghwa knew that Hongjoong hadn't been touching his cellphone since the last message he sent to him. He hadn't been reading any of the messages he had sent him since, and that made his hope fade away. His text wouldn't matter the slightest anyway. Hongjoong's favorite day of the year was ruined.

"I'll go get some water, do you want anything?" the young man asked while he got up from the soft furniture.

Seonghwa dropped his phone down on the couch.

Emma shook on her head, but didn't tear her eyes away from her drawing, "No thank you."

By that, he left the room and went for the kitchen. His heart was racing unnecessarily behind his ribcage, and his skin felt cold and clammy. He was simply too uncomfortable to focus on any task and eventually ended up finding himself going for a bowl instead of a water bottle in the refrigerator. God, he needed some heavy sleep, before he would go insane. Finally, he found the bottle and satisfied his thirst.

Suddenly Emma yelled something that made his heart skip a beat, "Seonghwa, someone is calling you!"

His blood ran cold, and he slowly stepped inside the living room again, already getting an eerie feeling about the sudden call. Seonghwa didn't like the feeling one bit, but in a faraway corner, he couldn't keep the hope from growing.

The girl handed his ringing cell phone, and Seonghwa searched nervously down at the display. It was not Hongjoong. The sigh that escaped his lips wasn't exactly relieved, neither was it downhearted.

He picked up the call anyway and went into his bedroom for some privacy, whatever the caller wanted.

"Hello, this is Park Seonghwa."

"Hi Mister Park, my name's Jeong Yunho, the guy working at Kim Seokjin's café. I believe you know who I am. I am calling to let you know that I'm interested in asking you a few questions about a topic I think you know something about."

Seonghwa frowned as he stared down on the floor, "And what topic may that contain, Mister Jeong?"

"You see, I heard you mention your confusion about the matter lightly. I got some knowledge about it as well, that I want to share with you if you answer my questions truthfully. Don't worry, I simply just want to help you, and in return, I know you will be able to help me as well."

The line went silent, and Seonghwa felt his skin tingle uneasy. His guts told him not to believe the other man.

"You didn't answer my question."

The caller chuckled, perhaps amused by the whole situation, but the laughter didn't sound half-heartedly in any way, "Oh Mister Park, I suppose you know what I mean if I say, Vampire."

Seonghwa stopped breathing in the second that was said. This could be his only ticket to the solution to the mystery and questions he had let himself into. And it all came to him this easy? It scared him.

"I-I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about, Mister Jeong."

What did this Jeong Yunho want from him? The only thing he knew about was...

"It's all up to you. Call me back, if you regret your choice. Have a nice evening Mister Park."

Hongjoong could be in danger.

Yunho knows when to call at the absolute best timing xD

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