29| Dead

742 60 31

I'm a bit scared

Even though Mingi had told him he wasn't promising anything, not many days following the reportedly immortal, Choi San, was standing in the doorway. Tall and noble, a glint in his eyes much like Yeosang. His fingers lightly braided in another guy's behind him, he seemed to take in the surroundings like any predator. And then his eyes landed on Hongjoong.

"And I guess you're the new kid, huh?"

He entered the house, the one behind him following tightly with him, a smirk cornering his lips. His hair was flush black, even more than Seonghwa's that held a slight brown tint to it. His features were sharp and precise, and he revealed his broad shoulders and small waist, when he slid the coat off his shoulders in one smooth motion, that swarmed with elegance and confidence. A black corset was strapped tightly around his waist, and Hongjoong could not help but imagine how uncomfortable that must be to wear.

Suddenly, fingers wrapped around his chin, tilting his head slightly back.

"Hey, staring a bit too much, hm? What's your name kid?" asked the man, now standing right in front of him.

Hongjoong swallowed harshly, as his nerves suddenly went from nothing to pulsing aggressively under his skin.

"Kim Hongjoong," he answered the intimidating man immediately.

San hummed satisfied, eyeing the boy in front of him. Hongjoong felt a hand run down his back.

"San, let go of him," a voice called before the hand reached further down.

The black-haired squinted his eyes without moving his gaze away from Hongjoong, "Calm down, it's not like I'm doing anything. Just giving him a warm welcome."

They were all eyeing him when San took a step back. Like a magnet, the guy that he had come with flew into his side, where San wrapped an arm around his waist.

With his free hand, he stretched it toward Hongjoong, "Choi San, a pleasure meeting you, kid."

He smiled mischievously when Hongjoong shook the hand. Then he grabbed the shoulder of the guy at his side.

"This is Jung Wooyoung."

"I'm his boyfriend."

The man named Wooyoung held a playful challenging look in his eyes, when their gazes met, making Hongjoong crump a bit. He felt like prey.

"I'm not a kid," he said, wanting to declare his own status.

San let his eyes wander to the floor before a smirk grew upon his face.

"Of course you're not, I very well know who you are Kim Hongjoong. It's not like the media are going crazy because you have been inactive in your work for the past months now."

Hongjoong went silent, after all, he had just left everything behind of him. All of his hard work, his success, achievements; his dream. He had run from it, hoping that would just somehow figure it out by itself.

A hand brought the blonde boy with them, to find a seat by a table and gently pushed him down on the chair. Slowly they all found a place around the furniture, Yeosang being the only one who sat on top of the table, in a rebellious way, eyes rooted down at his nails.

"Don't worry, we've all been through that - suddenly losing everything you had fought for," San continued.

"You'll get used to the feeling, and before you know of it, you won't even remember your past. I bet Yeosang can't even remember how he died," the black-haired chuckled while facing the smaller vampire on the table.

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