5| Gotten dream job

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The day the boy was supposed to meet up for his dream job, had now arrived and Seonghwa was almost tripping on his feet as he got out of his car and moved towards the huge building. He had put on his nicest black pants as well as a nice white button-up shirt, black shoes and he had styled his hair so that his forehead was fully visible and his bangs ran along the side of his head. His black coat completed the look and one hand fumbled around with the clip card in one pocket.

Seonghwa was uncontrollably nervous, but also tense, an irritating composition if you weren't particularly fond of adrenaline intoxication.

The center had at least eighteen floors and Seonghwa found himself staring at the building. How did you find anything at all in here? He just had to try himself so he took a deep breath and continued up the stairs leading to the large glass door entrance.

Of course, the place was so large that even people were employed at a counter to guide one around. Seonghwa walked over and greeted nicely with a friendly smile. First impressions were always the most important thing. The lady behind the table asked him to show his ID, which was in the small plastic pocket with the added clip.

"Yes, the head of your section should be here very soon." said the lady, giving Seonghwa his ID back.

He stuck the clip to the top of his pants and turned away from the counter.

"Are you Seonghwa?" A bright voice said in front of him as he turned.

Immediately he fixed his eyes on the lower feminine figure before him. Her hair was set in a ponytail, eyes from a face smeared with powerful make-up aimed at him and a black shirt that might have been buttoned up a little too much. She was nice, it wasn't that, maybe just a little too showy.

"Yes, Park Seonghwa."

Her eyes twinkled with something he couldn't read, "Uhh finally one with the look," she said, smiling with a smirk as she checked him out and plopped a sucker into her mouth.

"I'm Kim Lara, the boss, and head of section Z," she paused to look absently down at her nails, "Not that it means so much here."

Seonghwa just nodded, confused about the personality right now in front of him.

"Well hot stuff you come with me so I can show you your new workplace. You'll love it, I can promise you."

Seonghwa replied with a brief 'okay' and followed silently with his new boss, who hummingly was walking and sucking on her sweet candy. Then she turned to face him and popped the sugar stick out again, "Just so you know, there are no elevators in this building." She said cockily. Lara smiled crookedly at him and turned up a huge staircase that could only lead to the next level.

"We have to stay in shape after all."

Seonghwa lost his lower jaw as the words hit him. No elevators?? But there were at least eighteen floors and no elevators? What?? He didn't complain, but Seonghwa had an inside fight against himself if it turned out that section Z was at the very top.

It didn't, and already when they reached the second level, his boss turned down a hallway with numerous glass walls showing workspaces on the other side of the transparent walls.

The shorter girl stopped before him to open a door attached to one of the rooms where some other staff members were also sitting.

Lara pulled the sucker out of her mouth again, "As I said, you'll get your own workplace, and here are the ones you need to share a compartment with. CHOI, KIM, AND HAN! Say hello to your new colleague, Park Seonghwa!"

The three figures inside the room turned away from their work and got up to meet Seonghwa. It was 2 men and a woman. And one of the men sent scolding eyes towards Lara, probably because she had yelled at them like that.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Park, my name is Han Eunha," said the woman with a gentle smile and reached for Seonghwa's hand, bowing her head to him respectively. She looked like someone in his mid-thirties, page hair, gentle brown eyes framed with a pair of round glasses, a tight-fitting skirt and matching shirt, and she was clearly the most experienced between her crew.

"Kim Geonhak," the surprisingly deep voice got Seonghwa taken back and he tried in all his power to cover his surprise with a smile and nod.

The last of the three, the man who had been hiding by Lara earlier, was now standing with crossed arms, looking scanning over Seonghwa. A chill unconscious passed through the black-haired male and he took a minimal step backward.

Then the more muscle built man chose to loosen his crossed arms and say something, "I'm Choi Jongho and you definitely shouldn't find yourself in Lara's attitude."

The boss scoffed and rolled his eyes. She clicked her tongue, "Shut it, Choi."

Then she ran a hand over Seonghwa's arm to get his attention, the motion made a scock run through him, "They'll show you what we're doing. You can always find me in my office right over there," she winked and made a move towards the only room with opaque walls.

Seonghwa's new colleagues all waited nicely for their boss to leave the room before discussing who to show him around.

"I won't do it, you two have to figure out who does it," Jongho said right away, earning only a grim look from Eunha.

"Seriously Jongho, you can't just opt ​​out like that!", She shot after him, but the boy just ignored her.

She sighed, looking apologetically at Seonghwa, who was watching the scene in front of him.

"Sorry Seonghwa, but Jongho is just a little bastard-", she began but was interrupted by the said boy.

"I heard it well!"

"Yeah, and who's the oldest here!" The phrase made Jongho shut up and Eunha quickly ran her hair away from her face. Her breathing had increased and she looked almost completely out of breath.

Geonhak grabbed Eunha's arm, "Sit down Eunha, your blood pressure is not good at this."

But she struggled out of his grip and took a deep breath, "I'm fine, no need to worry."

The blonde gave Eunha a serious look which made her whine surrendering, "Okay okay, I'll sit down and you show him around then .." she murmured and walked over and sat down at her own workplace located in the middle of the room.

Geonhak turned to Seonghwa with a blank expression, "Okay, Mr. Park, let's start in the lab? Shall we?"

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