17| Never to be solved

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Drawer after drawer was pulled out at a rapid pace, near torn off their hinges. He didn't understand it and continued to turn the room for every single little hiding place. Was it possible to lose your memory from crying? Because if that was the case, it had occurred to Seonghwa. He took a quick inhalation and took a step backward to get an overview of the situation he was now in. His bedroom was now laying in a mess that had been created in no time, and he still hadn't found what he was looking for. Seonghwa's eyes obtained their way back to his desk in an intense stare. He swore he had hidden the blood test there. But the desk drawer was empty. It could not have rolled under the papers in the drawer? No, he had checked it. The riddle seemed never to be solved, and Seonghwa would be left with a still on-going mystery about the abnormal blood test, which will also never be understood. He no longer had anything to take samples from, thus no evidence that the substance had existed at all. It irritated him deeply. He scratched his face. How could this happen?!

It was impossible for him to think of a picture of him moving the test. But, if he had not himself moved it, then who had? It could not possibly have fallen out of the drawer, because then it would have definitely broken and the liquid would have stained all over the floor with the red color. Emma... Emma would never take anything from him either, she was not the type to steal. It was not even certain that she would mention the blood sample if she had found it and in silence had stumbled a little over why it would lay in Seonghwa's desk drawer.

Hopelessly he sat down on the floor in the middle of the mess. He still actually hadn't had the right to keep the test, it was going against his boss' message and rules in general. It could have huge consequences if someone discovered it, but why did it then bother him this much? What special things had there been about that exact blood test, it could have been a misunderstanding. Maybe, it had even just been a coincidence. Seonghwa, however, knew why. It was the reaction he had received from both Jongho and his boss, it drove a sudden adrenaline rush into the project of cracking a new code for the blood. It was never meant to happen, but coincidences see its moments shape at the most adapted times.

And now it was all ruined.

While the man was sitting deeply buried in his defeat, the thought never occurred to him that several had been in his apartment within the last number of days.


The days had fallen into normal again, no one was talking about the episode with the odd blood sample, or how Seonghwa, almost a week ago, had knocked down one of the blood samples and then reported sick the next day. His boss never commented on it, apparently, she did not have a single attitude to it, leaving it as Seonghwa's own personal problem. He had been so nervous that he would now lose his new job, because of it...

The man exhaled, shutting himself out of the 'source of life' where he had put his last examined blood sample in place that day. He had not found anything interesting, maybe it was because he didn't go in-depth enough? But there was no one from his section, who seemed to find anything new to discover in the blood, except for Jongho, who still seemed to be the only one who was aware of what he was searching for of new things in the blood. Seonghwa was fascinated by how engrossed the younger was in all this research, even though no one really fully understood his thoughts. Several times he had mentioned something about the taste of the red substance, where Eunha had fixed her round glasses and stared critically at the younger one while she had replied that it was the iron content in the blood that made it taste of iron because some receptors on the tongue were sensitive to iron. Before Eunha had finished explaining, Jongho had interrupted her and said that he knew about it and that, by the way, wasn't what he meant. Geonhak had had to stop them before they would end up in one of their endless discussions again.

But it was not that conversation that had attracted the most attention from Seonghwa. No, it only came when a theory was finally brought to the table one random day.

"Blood is so impersonal, it can move from one being to another..." Jongho had said mostly to himself, but the rest of them had clearly heard every single one of his words.

Geonhak had cracked a snort and with a non-believing smile had looked over at Jongho, "You sound like you have the experience, mind sharing some of your information? Are you also one of those crazy fools who run around drinking blood and thinking they're mysterious blood-sucking creatures? "

It had sent a contagious laugh around the room, and Eunha had added, "I have heard of them before. It should be said that they also sacrifice each other for whatever reason. At one point it was reported in the media that someone had killed a girl by draining her of blood and drinking it. I honestly do not understand it, and the lamest thing about it all was that their defense against their actions was a signature from that poor girl, that they had gotten permission from herself to kill her. It's pure cannibalism. "

It took a turn in him, just the thought of it made a turmoil blow up in his body.

Yet he had answered: "It is actually possible to survive with your diet almost only consisting of blood. It contains a lot of nutrients, your body can live from. "

Just the thought of it, made Seonghwa feel bad, and he quickly declined the conversation again, by continuing his investigation.

And now he moved on his newly used instruments that stood at his worktable, in the process of cleaning up for the day. His attempt to add various substances to the blood samples stood in hopeless glasses, waiting for him to remove it. Nothing had worked today. He poured it into the special sink and cleared the table of his equipment.

"Thanks for today," he directed at the other three, who greeted him back, and they all left the building in their respective directions. He did not frown anymore, it had become a normal sight for him to see Jongho and his boss steer towards the same car in the parking lot, although Seonghwa had still not been given any logical explanation for it yet. As sadly as it was, he stayed away from Lara as much as he could and he couldn't help but have his concerns for Jongho.

Seonghwa stopped before stepping down the last steps in front of the building while raising his cell phone to his face and answering some of the messages Emma had sent him in the meantime he had been working. He had an appointment to pick her up today. He smiled when he saw that she had sent a picture of her feet at the spot in the parking lot she was sitting and waiting for him. In the photo, she had written 'Waiting for you Seonghwa ~' and added a single little red heart. What is she being so adorable for? He replied that he was on his way now, and then packed the cell phone in his pocket. She had been waiting for fifteen minutes outside in this cold, where the darkness crept closer and closer.

The man stepped down the last stairs and now completely left the research building, setting the target in the direction of his car parked in the huge parking lot.

He was close to collapsing when a hand grabbed him by the shoulder and held him back from moving.

"Hey you, handsome, where do you think you're going?"

My writing in this chapter was really bad...

See you in the next one!

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