33| When snow falls

637 52 21

Oh god, did I really just double-updated today?

Snow fell earlier this year than normal, and Seonghwa was not at all fond of it as most people would be. He didn't find any happiness with the situation at all, actually, he didn't find anything pleasing at the moment. His body was itching all over with an annoying feeling and he was going crazy. It was killing him. As the snowflakes slowly withered down from the grey skies and painted the city in white, Seonghwa was walking down the streets. He was in need of fresh air and a bit alone time to think. He hadn't talked to Emma in person for several weeks now, and he didn't feel good at all about that. A small pout found its way up to his lips. He wanted to hug her again, but what it seemed like now was that not even Hongjoong wanted to give him hugs... Everything was really going in that direction, having everything take distance from him. What was there to defend himself with? Seonghwa was a killer now, and he was good at it. He had proof.

The boy shook the thoughts off him, reaching a hand up to the top of his head and brushing the snow out of his black hair. It was weird, he couldn't really feel the coolness anymore, but his skin still got numb where the frozen water touched. When he let his arm fall down to his side again, he felt like the numbness spread from the single spots on his hands and face to the rest of his body. How could this ever happen.

The vampire's eyes turned red in the split of a second, and his figure froze like a statue. No, he couldn't continue. Suddenly he wished more than anything that he would have listened to what Hongjoong and Mingi had told him before coming here. Of course, his subconscious led him this way. His mind was in a twisting fight for control, as he wanted nothing else than run away. Why didn't he listen to anyone when needed the most?! His hands started shaking and he bit his bottom lip fiercely. No, no no.

Then his feet took a step forward, and he knew for good, that he had lost control, again. He wanted someone to take his hand and lead him the way home again when the film from his nightmare started playing all over again in his memories. Please, no.

At this point, Seonghwa was striding across the white ground, without leaving any traces behind him. Where he had been scared of any other would do it, he now knew that it had been himself who would be the killer, all this time. While the sweet scent made him hunt down his prey, the girl was turning around on her feet before it even happened. Fear painting her eyes gloryful shades.

"Seonghwa!" she cried out when he tackled her into the white mass with a strength that was made to kill.

Emma cracked her head into the frozen earth when Seonghwa made his way over her. She was whimpering in pain and a wave of tears were cast on her when she watched him go on with his rough movements. The smell of her blood was everywhere and Seonghwa was going crazy just because of that one smell. He hated this, he fucking hated this.

The beautiful girl was sobbing because she saw the beautiful prince-like man turn into a monster in front of her eyes at no time. Fangs, red eyes, sharp hissing, and the never-ending droplets of venom that landed on her bare face. She was crying because of him, and not because of the pain he caused her. He attached his hungry mouth to her neck while holding cramp-like around her petite shoulders. She was not moving or anything, her only action was the tears that piled from her eyes there now and then fell shut just to open again and find out that this was reality.

Seonghwa's body was shaking in a mix of wanted control and need for blood. His hands had it difficult staying in place when he found the place with the strongest pulsing vessel, nudging it with his tongue. Emma's breathing was staggered while her eyes turned white with a plea of just getting this over with. He didn't want to do this. A sob came from his throat when his fangs found their way through her soft pillow-ish skin against his own will. Why was he doing this?!

The red liquid flooded into his mouth, filling it with its sweet taste and Emma was screaming at the action. Her hands fidget around before eventually clawing at the back of Seonghwa's head, only making him dig his teeth deeper into her nerves. She wanted to tell him to let go, but the poison filling her body made her vocal slowly paralyze into nothing, before dying. Seonghwa was crying all the way through it, feeling the pain that was forced upon her go right through his own body. It hurt like hell. But he couldn't stop again, there wasn't any stop-button in this game of survival and he dug his canines deeper down.

"Seong..hwa-" her voice was barely a whisper, a single cold blow to his ear.

"Plea-se.. don't dwell- on this day. Y-you will make it through with-out... me."

If his heart still had been beating, it would have stopped the same moment that hers did. Seonghwa broke himself away when he saw the girl's eyes fall shut. Sobs were tearing themselves out of his mouth, without he had the slightest control of them and he reached down for her face, gently taking it into his bloody hands. His beautiful angel, how could he ever.

His sobs turned into whimpers there held too few emotions to express, that he actually felt. Her cheeks were already getting cold when his eyes trailed across her appearance. Her brown eyes were gone, forever. Everything that he ever had been piling up inside of him, was falling to the ground like a waterfall. He let the tears run wherever they wanted. She was an angel, even when dead. Not once had she tried fighting back when he attacked her. Guardian angel.

And now she was gone, in a way that seemed too prepared than it should. His toes went curling in the cold when the snowflakes stopped melting from her face when landing. Emma was dead.

The boy sniffed when he brought a hand up to dry her once flowing tears. At some point, he had known this was fated to happen. And he also knew that she would never wake up as he had done.

"Hongjoong, help me," he whispered and lifted her limp body into his arms.

"I hate myself."

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