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I hope there are not too many mistakes.. Enjoy!

His wet
hair dripped over his face as he looked up from his feet and met Seonghwa's surprised look. The wet blonde hair mirrored itself with his own black freshly new-washed hair. He stared a little, not really aware of what was going on. His eyes followed a drop of water gathering and rolling down a lock of hair that fell into Hongjoong's deep dark eyes. Seonghwa stopped his wandering and inhaled heavily a quantity of air. The coal-black pupils seemed to hypnotize him in a loop, pulling him deeper and deeper down to a point where he suddenly couldn't feel himself being in his body anymore. He could no longer feel himself as if his pulse and heartbeat disappeared into nothingness. Hongjoong moved his gaze up, and Seonghwa fell out of his stare and back into his shape again. It quivered out at his fingertips.

"Can I come in?"

The voice was supple and fluent, despite the cold weather outside. Seonghwa nodded automatically, taking a step backward. Hongjoong followed, his shirt was hanging almost down his knees, due to all the water that weighed down on him.

Seonghwa didn't know what to do. The moment he had seen the young man standing in his doorway, his whole system was like defeated. He felt like he was dreaming, it did not seem like reality. He didn't know how long he had been standing and staring into nothing, but suddenly there was no one to see when he looked up. Seonghwa gulped and shuffled in the direction of the wet drops of water that now covered the floor. He saw how they expired up in front of the door into the bathroom, so he guessed that the younger one was solving his problem himself. Slowly he posed in the direction of the living room again, where he sat down in the same place as before, and now just waited. The chocolate bar lay open on the table in front of him, but it no longer enticed him. The rain drummed against the window glass, while the city got flooded with water. The weather outside was eerie and anxiety-provoking, like a big fat and black doodle that kept tying knots on his thoughts.

Then he felt the furniture meander down next to him, and he turned his head in the direction of Hongjoong, who surprisingly seemed to have found himself fitting into some of Seonghwa's clothes. It wasn't an unusual sight, after all, they had known each other for many years now. The younger one swam around in the t-shirt and the too-long sweat pants.

Hongjoong also seemed to view Seonghwa in the same way, but no feeling was to be read from his face. Their eyes intertwined.

"What were you even thinking of doing outside at this time? Do you have a death wish?"

Hongjoong didn't move, he did not even blink with his eyes, and this caused Seonghwa to move as he tore his eyes loose from Hongjoong and instead stared into the corner, with a type of shame, away from the other boy. But even though he had removed himself from the contact, it did not mean that Hongjoong stopped looking at him. His best friend had never been so quiet in his entire life.

The black-haired man embraced himself and bit the inside of his cheek. Maybe he should just let it rest this time. He could state his beliefs another time. Seonghwa quickly rose from the soft surface and left the room. Drops of water still rolled down his neck and he shuddered. The air buzzed with nervousness.

He lay down heavily in his bed, the water seeping into the surface of the pillow. But he did not care. He threw his cellphone over at the bedside table, without wasting time on setting an alarm. His work was canceled tomorrow anyway due to the violent storm outside. It was actually life-threatening to move outside at the moment. The black-haired male sighed heavily and moved further under the duvet. He felt drained of energy, too much happened at once, and he let his eyelids close, without giving Hongjoong a single more thought. He was fed up with his abnormal behavior.

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