35| Forever

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This is the last chapter??! And for your luck, this is veryy long

+ mature content ahead (or I tried in my own artistic way), just so you are prepared

December went by, too fast, too smooth, almost like it was mocking him with all the things he had been through the past months. Winter was coming by, harsh this year, causing a lot of trouble with transporting to and from work in the car, so he decided to walk most of the days. Seonghwa was slowly settling into the new conditions in his life, but it was far from easy. His taste buds did only crave blood, and his body always turned the car down the road Emma had lived on. These was the most difficult changes for him.

And he had started noticing how odd Hongjoong behaved around him. The smaller male had decided by himself to move in with Seonghwa, not that he minded having any company at all. Perhaps it only made him wonders by not having to face the situation all alone, but instead with someone who would take your hand if you asked for it.

Or most of the time, when Hongjoong wasn't eluding the closeness.

Fortunately, they hadn't fired him from his work, yet, because right now, he needed the studies more than ever. His work together with Jongho had been exigent ever since they had found out about him being a vampire - both wanting to find the secret behind the red liquid and its ability. He was working whenever he had the chance to, often working more than he got paid for, but it didn't matter if that meant he could do a change for his own life.

He wanted to find a cure.

Even though Hongjoong had told Seonghwa that his new obsession was pointless, he didn't listen to him, too certain about at least trying. When Seonghwa had moved some of the studies with him home and set up his own small lab in the kitchen, he obviously didn't use anymore, Hongjoong gave up on trying to stop him from his searches.

Seonghwa was on his way home, walking again today in the cold weather where white still was falling from the sky. His hands were buried in his pockets, but he didn't feel the cold against his skin. Christmas holiday was still ongoing and kids were out playing in the snow, he smiled a little beneath his dark clothing when he heard their laughter. He would never experience that himself.

Time wasn't really an important element anymore, so when he stepped inside his house that evening, he turned right into his studies at home. Rustling a hand through his white-covered black hair, he hung his coat on a peg and pulled off his shoes, and slipped on the slippers instead. Then he stressed further into the house and sat down in the kitchen without bothering to change into any other clothes. At least his white shirt was still intact with its original color and not a certain other that his being had gotten so fond of. Seonghwa pulled out his laptop and quickly tapped into his notes and searches he had left from earlier that day. Over the past week, he hadn't come any closer to an answer, and it was slowly tearing his mind apart. Why wasn't anything making sense? He dragged out multiple blood samples of the refrigerator and plugged it into his equipment to further research. Carefully trailing his eyes over the different experiments.

Just then a person popped out from nowhere and suddenly decided to join the other in the kitchen. Hongjoong's face was shown in concern as his fingers lightly tapped against the table.

"Hwa..." he started off easygoing, knowing how stubborn the older male was around this topic, "Can't you see this is purposeless?"

Seonghwa ignored him, and Hongjoong ran a hand through his own hair, "You're not doing anything else than stressing yourself, please stop this madness."

The words caught Seonghwa's attention and he moved away from his equipment before turning his head in the direction of the younger. His teeth were lightly scraping the insides of his mouth.

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