22| Finding proves

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Hongjoong gulped and stared up at the strangers.

"W-who are you to ask me that?" he said, his voice luckily muffled by the towel, or else they would hear how it was shaking.

Then the man let out a huff as his eyes dropped to the floor and he smiled sarcastically.

"Right," he saw up at the scared boy again, "My name's Choi Jongho and you don't have to know what position I bear. The pretty lady here is my girlfriend Lara, and the fool attacking you is Kang Yeosang, the one's blood you had sampled. Now you better answer my question."

The boy thought for a moment, not because he didn't believe what Jongho had said, but because he still felt like the world spun around.

Then Hongjoong lowered the towel from his lips and spoke up, "I-I found it. It's not mine, I swear."

"Tsk, really? Pulling off the 'it's not mine' card? Who do we look like, someone who wants to discuss this? Please, just tell the truth sweetie, and let us get over this issue."

The boy turned his head over at the woman who stood leaned up against the table, arms crossed and a lollipop popped in her mouth.

"I am telling the truth already," Hongjoong answered, his voice suddenly more steady than before and he felt something fall uncontrollably inside of him again.

Jongho knitted his eyebrows, sat down by the table, and leaned closer to Hongjoong.

He knew this would happen.

"So, where did you then find it?"

Hongjoong gulped, eyes huge and not capable of tearing away from the other vampire. He knew he couldn't come around not answering this, so he slowly let the words cross what was never meant to be crossed. A blood drop thrilled from his lip and he raised the towel to wipe the wound.

"A drawer."

Anxiety spiked in the room, and Hongjoong wanted to escape before he was pinned to something he would never be able to twist out of again.

"Whose drawer?"

Tears pricked in his itchy eyes, and he felt everything twist inside of him, as they all moved closer to him. He felt like their prey.

Hongjoong frantically shook his head, "P-please don't-don't do anything to him! I b-beg you!"

Jongho let out a sigh when he saw how the boy in front of him scooted further away from the table behind his lifted towel.

He simply nodded and leaned back again, tearing his eyes away, "Well, what's your name then kid?"

Hongjoong gulped nervously, but at the same time relieved of the change of topic.

"My name's Kim Hongjoong. Will you let me know where I am?"

The shadow who had been standing in the back for a moment now stepped forward and Hongjoong immediately turned his head to see Yeosang. He hadn't gotten rid of the blood staining his upper lip, but the wound was definitely already healed.

"Why, do you really think we'll let you go?" he smirked, and it made every single nervousness fall from Hongjoong again, pushed away of his protecting self.

Then he was in front of Hongjoong, bent slightly down, his head angled to the side again, "I've never seen someone being so eager to kill another vampire before... Do you really think we would let you go after this?"

The question was left lingering in the air for a moment. Right. He really had been knocked out of sanity, of course, they didn't trust him.

Hongjoong stared into Yeosang's dark twinkling eyes, not showing any emotions.

"I killed him."

Yeosang smiled wry, "No, luckily I got to him in time."

The built-up pressure in his chest suddenly disappeared in pure revelation, and Hongjoong almost felt like all his energy drained out of his body. He couldn't believe that he got to be this lucky. Mingi wasn't dead.

"But he's still resting, so you can't talk to him yet, although I still think he'll be mad at you..."

Hongjoong wanted to nod at the other vampire, but he didn't. He didn't trust Yeosang enough to approve him something.

Then a grey cup with a red substance got placed on the table in front of him. He surely knew what this meant, and he couldn't help feel a little disgusted by himself and his new instinct, though he tried to accept it. After all, this was how he had to live now...


Even though he tried, he couldn't hold himself from searching for it anymore. And Seonghwa was scared of the results he would find. He threw himself down in the soft furniture, and placed his laptop in his lap, slowly tapping into the search box on the internet. He had to find out, even if the knowledge would forever haunt him.

It had suddenly made sense for him. And if this story of Eunha was true, then his theory could be underlined as the answer to everything.

He didn't need any facts, only proves. Seonghwa drew in a deep breath, but for whatever reason, his pulse just kept on raising. His orbs stared at the screen, unsure of his decision about doing this.

"Screw this."

He wrote the letters in and slammed the enter-button before he would doubt it again.

His eyes flew across different websites, but no one was really catching his attention. He scrolled further down while he bit into his bottom lip. Maybe this was mere foul work? Randomly the man clicked on a link, there only consisted of numbers and letters there didn't make any logical sense.

Error, this site is not approved by internet security services. This can harm your data. Will you continue?

He just clicked yes, not thinking further about the warning. Suddenly his heart rate quicked up, and he held his breathing. A video had sprung up at his screen, slowly filling Seonghwa's eyes with fear. Firstly, his whole screen was black, but then a sound became clear to his ears as a video played some black and white clips of a group of young people smiling and laughing with each other on a field. It almost looked like they were camping. In a way, he felt relieved, and Seonghwa slowly let go of his breath as he adjusted his sitting position. Then a screeching sound sprang from his computer's speaker, making him startle in his seat from surprise. A scream blended with a burst of laughter erupted from the now shaking transitions on the video and it made Seonghwa gulp in fear. He couldn't see it all, but they attacked each other, a set of teeth flashed across the screen before running for one of the others. They knocked down one of the girls, all hovering over her like she was their prey. Then it stopped.

Seonghwa was staring at his computer there automatically closed the website, without clicking at anything himself.

What had he just seen?

He was speechless and didn't knew how to react. His beating heart was making a fuss and he slammed his computer shut when he suddenly heard a fit of laughter. The man froze in his movements before he slowly turned his head to the sides. Was he going insane?

Hongjoong had been here.

Park Seonghwa was slowly combining the dots.


I have been deleting my face reveal]

Have a nice day/night! :)

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