32| Revelation

671 56 11

Not many chapters are left by now!

Long chapter ahead!<3

And just like that, his life turned like a plate. The glass wall he had used years to build, shattered into a million pieces, and everything just broke down.

"I don't want to live forever, Hongjoong, " he told the other man, who hadn't left the house since the huge accident he had started himself.

Hongjoong looked up at him from his place on the couch where he had his body curled together. He fluttered a bit with his eyes in confusion, when he noticed the others' appearance. A black tee, joggers, his bare feet in a pair of flippers, and his black hair dripping with water from the top of his head. His t-shirt was already soaked with wet stains scattered across his chest and shoulders, probably also his back.

Hongjoong gulped nervously when his fangs started growing in his mouth from the glance at the bare neck.

"You'll get the opportunity to experience a lot of things, why not?"

Seonghwa glanced at his hands when he sat down on the opposite side of the couch.

He sighed, "What do I tell Emma?"

"And what about my parents, and my brother? When he will grow old I won't ever change the slightest," Seonghwa continued as his head fell into his hands.

Hongjoong hummed quietly while he peered over at the other male, thinking his thoughts for himself. But Hongjoong didn't have the same feeling at all. For him had the worst adjusting been the different source of food, he still had accepted fully yet. Thoughts about his family weren't something that bothered him, as they never really were a part of his life anyway. But for Seonghwa, he knew it was different. The older one had always been one to wonder about his life by having a family included, where Hongjoong weighted more on his career.

"I don't know..." Hongjoong answered quietly, not to upset the older in any way.

The look in his eyes was gloomy in the way he stared out into nothing. Seonghwa's arms were holding his downhearted falling head in his hands, as the man sat leaned over his legs. Hongjoong wanted to do something for him. The guilt that swelled in his heart grew for every second he saw Seonghwa's downcasted figure and any act that counted on making up for his mistakes was carefully gone through his thoughts. Anything counted, bringing a towel to dry his hair or make the smallest smile play on his lips could do. But, Hongjoong wasn't capable of doing so, he just couldn't lay a hand on him again. Ever since the day he noticed, had he been making space between them - he wanted to keep a safe distance in case he would deface everything they had back.

Mingi had left blood supplies that should keep them sane for a good time. Surprisingly for Hongjoong, had Seonghwa accepted the blood easier, than he ever would have imagined. By only popping the lid off the container, Seonghwa had torn it out of his hand before gulping the liquid down, thirsty for more. Hongjoong let him drink whatever he wanted, wanting to have him satisfied rather than uncontrollably roaming the city for killing.

While opening for his own ration, Hongjoong had been staring at Seonghwa, as he had been throwing his head back in order to drink the blood. The veins had been popping along his neck, making the scent of the other more clear and blending with the stench from the blood supplies that were opened. The poke from his fangs made Hongjoong realize that even though Seonghwa was a vampire now, he still craved his blood.

Vampires were not meant to be attracted by each other's blood.


One and a half weeks after the incident, Seonghwa decided he had to go to work in order to keep his job. He was more than surprised that his boss actually had allowed him that many sick-days without questioning further about his health. Hongjoong had been pleading him to stay home because he was afraid that he wasn't ready to go out yet, but Seonghwa insisted that he was able to control himself. He never convinced the younger and was left to sneak out early one morning, without the other noticing.

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