25| Time travel

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"Hongjoong, Mingi wants to see you."

Even though his heart didn't beat anymore, he could still feel something thumping in his chest, let it be all his pulsing nerves. Hongjoong got up from the furniture, his eyes landing on the mocha-haired boy, who sat at the other end of the room, smirking at him with his glinting eyes.

"Good luck, soldier," Yeosang said, reaching a stiff hand up to the side of his head and making a move down again. He made the act alone seem so natural like he had done it a million times before, and Hongjoong already knew why.

The young vampire gulped nervously as he made eye contact with Jongho when he neared the room that Mingi supposedly was resting in. The other man didn't show any visible emotions which in Hongjoong's case wasn't to any help regarding the lack of hint about Mingi's condition. This felt like he was walking the plank, straight down into his own death.

For a fact, living a couple of days in this household, made Hongjoong discover a lot more about the world he had become a part of, as well as the other vampires in the house. Yeosang had taken care of that.

It started with small secrets the mocha-haired vampire seemed to have a huge stocking of. He had silently sneaked up behind Hongjoong and sweetly whispered the small random information pieces into his ear, eventually starting off by telling him about his own life. Surprisingly for the boy, was Yeosang the oldest and perhaps also most experienced one of them all, based on his more than 1000 years of being alive on this planet. If Hongjoong was being honest, it had taken him some time to get this fact straight, because it sounded too unrealistic to be the truth. Yeosang had only been thirteen years old when he started training his physical strength and technique of handling weapons for war. In the autumn of the year he turned sixteen, their town was attacked and before he knew of it, he was going to war, not knowing he wouldn't see his family any time again. Standing alone on the battlefield, blood seeping from a deep wound in his leg, Yeosang thought he had survived, that he had won this battle. He was ready to return home again, carrying the pride on his shoulders as the warrior he was, but in the second the thought had got the better of him, something dark made him a painful death upon the ground painted in his enemy's blood. Days later he awoke with the most sinful bloodthirst he had ever felt, and from there on; he killed for the living. Yeosang never returned to his hometown again and left the scenery he had grown so used to as a kid. By the time his bloodthirst finally came under control, he started searching for a meaning of living. Before had Yeosang used centuries of living as a traveller, learning about the world's different cultures, languages, but for the first time, he decided to sit down by a kingdom in mid-Europe. Here he made his appearance as a well-talented knight, quickly being noticed and placed indoors of the castle as one of the king's most trusted men. He went into war, several times and always returned in better condition than ever. No one knew about his invincible way to kill. When the king died a late death, his serve ceased and he left for new journeys around the world, soon Yeosang's name was written all over the history books, though only with a heroic view and not as the deathly killer he actually was. Later he came back to Asia, bringing his experience with him, and setting for serving the royalty again. Not once, he thought about marrying, as Yeosang knew he was cursed with the life of living alone forever. His small love interests died just like everyone else around him did, and that was why the warrior never found his significant other; weighting his practical life more than his feelings.

Hongjoong was at a loss for words when Yeosang had finished off the small bits of his long life. He felt like he had just been told a lifelong fairy tale, then left to decide whether the ending was a happy one or not. Yeosang had told everything with details like the events that had happened just some days ago, and it made Hongjoong change his way of judging the flirtatious other vampire.

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