2| A little surprise

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This Seonghwa gif is everything ╥﹏╥

The autumn wind had really caught up, and the black-haired young man put his hands further down his coat pockets as he waited. He should have been wearing a scarf or had been sitting inside the car instead of leaning against it outside. But you know, sometimes you just want to have a cool entrance and Seonghwa thought that standing leaned against his car would look hot. He was cursing on himself and all the k-dramas he had seen lately..

Then he saw the glorious smile being there as soon as she caught sight of him and she ran toward him.

"Seonghwa oppa!", The girl exclaimed slightly breathless as she stopped in front of him. Her cheeks had turned red in the cold wind and Seonghwa gave her a warm smile.

"I didn't know you'd pick me up today?!", she said, wrapping her arms around him for a hug.

The black-haired boy laughed quietly, "Well .. Surprise!"

The girl pulled away again, still with her hands in a hold around his jacket, she looked up at him. Her eyes gleamed with admiration, but the expression faded slowly to a worried one as she saw him standing there and freezing.

She reached out for his face, "Your lips are all blue! Come here so I can kiss them warm again." She stood on her toes and began to smear him in with kisses all over his lips.

Seonghwa let out a shocked sound, "Mhmf- Emma not here!"

Emma sat back on the soles of her feet again while giggling adorably. Still, Seonghwa couldn't wipe the giant smile of his lips.

"Hop in before we will freeze to ice."

Emma determined nodded and ran around the car, to jump into the passenger seat. The young man sat in as well and waited for the girl to click her seatbelt. He couldn't stop smiling.

"What is it?"

Emma's question caused Seonghwa to turn his head toward her, still smiling while pulling up a square card in a plastic pocket attached with a clip at the top you could put on the clothes.

She widened her eyes and raised a hand to her mouth, "You're kidding me.. you got the job!?? Oh, Seonghwa I am so happy about that!"

Butterflies basked around in his stomach at her great enthusiasm and he pulled her in for a light and delicate kiss, saving up every curve of her pink lips.

Choi Emma ​​the girl's name who Seonghwa could proudly say was his girlfriend. It had been a pretty fortune-turning day almost 1.5 years ago when they had met at the café Seonghwa worked in. It hadn't taken him longer than 30 seconds and a glance to find out that the girl would have a special impact on his life. That day had been the happiest day of his life.

There were 5 years in between them, but it was never something Seonghwa had seen as a problem. Emma turned 18 years old earlier this year and would graduate high school next year, so it wasn't like he was dating a minor. She was legally an adult.

Seonghwa, on the other hand, had just got his dream job at Seoul's largest research center within medicine, and he still couldn't understand it. For so many years, he had struggled to get his university bachelor, and not even half a year after completing his education, he had already got a job, and not just anywhere no, but at Seoul's largest research center. It wasn't understandable. He could say goodbye to the job at the cafe now.

Emma had thrown the bag at the dinner table in Seonghwa's own house, intending to do her homework, but had ended up lying curled up in Seonghwa's arms while a k-drama was playing on the TV. It always happened when she was home at Seonghwa's, but it was just impossible to relinquish the space Seonghwa intentionally always made when lying down on the sofa. The temptation for free cuddles was too big to resist and Emma would sneak directly into the elder's trap, which would clap and only go up again when they got hungry.

Half absent, half present, Seonghwa ran his fingers through Emma's dark brown locks. He loved her so much that it hurt. He could feel it all the way out into his toes. Thoughts swirled around and he suddenly fell over what happened yesterday with Hongjoong. Seonghwa's smile dropped slightly, his thoughts circulating around the sensation he had felt drilling into his back. It was hardly a feeling that could be described in concrete terms, but it still sat as if it had been welded into his skin. There was something about Hongjoong that Seonghwa couldn't say what was wrong. Something about him just wasn't himself, and that made the older boy worried about his best friend.

Emma turned around in her boyfriend's arms and he met his eyes with her big adorable brown ones. Seonghwa loved the two eyes, and quickly fixed his gaze and thoughts on them again.

"Seonghwa .. I should do something special for you, as a celebration of your new job." She smiled softly at him and Seonghwa could just accurately make out her front teeth.

Seonghwa insisted, "No need to, you're more than enough for me." he assured her, his deep gentle melodic voice sending a blush up in her cheeks.

"But I really want to..", Emma continued and followed with the boy up to sit. She crawled up in his lap and he caressed her face in a soft motion.

A single glance at her lips, and it was like a magnetic field was pulling at him to glue him to the soft surface. Her hot breath hit him, sent a tingling sensation across his skin, she put her arms around his neck and kissed him. Soft movements without any haste or desire, only pure caring love. While Emma's one hand touched Seonghwa's neck hair, the other hand traced it's way up his neck to hold the side of his face. The black-haired gave in to it a little and leaned his head slightly up against her hand, tilting the kiss a little. As it grew deeper and slower, Seonghwa couldn't help but brush his tongue against Emma's lower lip, a smirking smile spread across his face, and he moved away from her lips with butterfly light-lip placements across her cheekbones all the way up to the ear.

Still, with a persistent taste of her cherry scented lip balm, he pulled away from her and looked down at his wristwatch.

"Em, I think it's time to drive you home," said Seonghwa, getting up with the girl hanging on him like a koala.

She put her head tired on his shoulder, "Can't I sleep here?"

Seonghwa grinned quietly, "I don't think your parents will be particularly excited about that. Come, pack your things and find your shoes and jacket, then I'll wait in the car." He said, putting her down onto the floor and continuing out into the hallway to find his own outerwear clothes.It wasn't long before she came swinging into the car's passenger seat which she almost could claim to be hers.

"See you Emma, ​​remember to do your homework for tomorrow, okay?" He gave her one last kiss before leaving her in front of her parents' house, "Good night, I love you."

She giggled at him and sent a flying kiss, "I love you too oppa~"

Seonghwa snorted and sent one back before disappearing into his car again.

It was bellowing dark outside and almost no cars were driving on the roads in Seoul as it was around 8 pm. He sighed and turned on the radio, resulting in a smile when he heard one of Hongjoong's produced songs playing. Maybe he should drive by him now? Seonghwa quickly looked down at the digital clock in the car while holding still at a traffic light. His best friend should be off work now, and a little visit probably wouldn't hurt his own plan this evening either. After all, there was a week left for him before he would start his new job at the research center himself.

Then, with a quick change of direction, he turned at the next traffic light.

Please do not hate Emma, she's a sweet girl I promise! This is part of the storyline ><

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