30| Running from fears

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Another update xD

Time was ticking at an insane pace. Too fast, too strongly. Almost like he heard it smashing his mind from the inside and bringing a shattering sound to the room. The noise in his head was sending needles into his brain. Telling him to run.

He had seen it happen before. All those nights spent on sweat and tears crossing his cheeks in a fight for keeping his own breath in his chest. His heart used to beat rapidly into his own ribcage in a run for escape. But now, nothing. An abandonedness was filling his body with an unknown feeling, that made his body react before his brain did. Per instinct.

Without seeing anything, every single cell in his body was twisting around in opposition as movements left him raising to his feet. His senses were blowing up like splattering bombs and he possessed no control at all. A faint yelling was embracing the back of his head when he left for the daylight outdoors. Everything was just stinging.


The boy swore when he saw the other take off after breaking out of his arms around him. He was so doomed now. Drying the tear stains from his face with the back of his hand, he got up to follow the mad man. It was not necessary to know where he had gone, because havoc was already caused down the street where the other already had been. People were screaming in fear - blood was spilled across the pavement while they panicking swarmed around each other, with the wounded lying across the ground. Cars had stopped, either to help with the madness or to keep up on the sidelines. And the vampire was still loose.

"Stop! Seonghwa-"

He was terrified, as he watched the red liquid blend with the surroundings. The adrenaline was pulsing through his veins, trying to catch up with the fluid feeling he had at that very moment. Hongjoong was sprinting all he could, trying to leave out the tricker he was feeling going through his system because of the strong smells of blood. In the past three hours had he been feeling sick in disgust while holding around the dead man's body, crying, because he had realized that he had killed his best friend. The surprise he had gotten when Seonghwa suddenly had opened his eyes to greet Hongjoong with a color he never in his life would have wished for.

God, he was scared.

As his feet printed further down, his eyes weren't focusing on anything else than the fleeing vampire. He wasn't going to make it.

Sirens went screeching in his ears when a car hit him and made him tumble to the ground. Flying across the asphalt, Hongjoong scraped his whole body, ripping his clothes up and making it look even messier. Blood flushed to the surface and made its peak upon his skin. Time had stopped and Hongjoong let his head fall heavy to the ground feeling all his muscles that twitching in pain.

A car door smacked before a man came over, calling the alarm center in a frantic state.

"Sir, sir are you there?"

The boy's head was turning around in confusion, and he lifted it to seek control of the gravity yet again.

"Please don't move, I'm calling for help now!"

When a hand touched his shoulder, Hongjoong let out an uncontrollable growl and in a mere second forced his own body up on his legs again. Pushing through the pain, even though the skin abrasions were burning.

The strangers around him moved away like a wave immediately when seeing the boy, crimson red color everywhere, rising to his feet and hissing at them with his white fangs showing.

The smell was everywhere, but Seonghwa was gone by now. Hongjoong had really just lost him, and while he ran from the accident, he considered if he just should give up. His insides felt sore, and his energy was drained from him. A pang of deep-digging guilt hit him like a storm, pressing him further toward hell. He could no longer.

Just when he reached the river a loud sob hit his sensitive ears, and his stomach flipped in even more guilt, as something agitated deep inside of his being.

There he was, hovering over a young woman while drinking her blood. The way Seonghwa held her to the bench as he was forcing himself on her, made her able to do nothing but submit to the pain from his sharp canines and deadly poison. With all his energy left, Hongjoong tore Seonghwa away from his prey in a hazy motion. Brief eye contact before he proceeded to ram his body into the older man and soon they were falling into the water of the river. Everything came splashing into him and tears gathered in his eyes before falling heavily. Seonghwa was furiously trying to get the other off him as he got tackled into the water, growling with instincts there still had control over him. Water swallowed their bodies, as they fell under the surface in a rolling fight for winning control of the situation. Hongjoong was digging his fingers into the other's sides, toppling them deeper into the streaming mass, drowning them deeper. He grabbed his wrist and quickly tore one of his hands away, before finally finding firm ground under his feet and forcing them around, splashing water where they broke the surface again. No one was gasping for their breath.

Hongjoong punched Seonghwa's head, before letting himself fall to pieces in front of the other. His small hands were clutching the other's drenched clothes when he let his head fall onto Seonghwa's chest, letting tears and blood spill everywhere on and between them.

"S-stop, just stop now.."

Minutes passed before Seonghwa finally understood the situation fully. He hesitated for a bit, before eventually securing his arms around the smaller blonde man that made his own tears fall from his face there still had unwashed blood covering it.

"I'm so fucking sorry Hwa."

Soft waves came crashing against their tangled legs in a manner of comfort.

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