9| Accidently an idiot

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"I swear I have nothing to do with that blood test!" exclaimed the boy with the mocha-colored curly hair.

He sighed annoyed and fixed an absent gaze down at his nails again. He sat on the high counter, his legs crossed. When the younger didn't answer him, he looked up from his hands and directly over at him.

"I mean it, Choi, you don't believe what I say? Do you really think I'm that careless, huh? "

The younger one snorted and crossed his arms as he tilted his head slightly to one side, "And how will you then explain that it was your blood that was sampled?"

The mocha-haired boy scowled at the younger one, his gaze sharp, "You don't even know if it was my blood."

The answer made Jongho growl annoyed out, "Hyung, that was your blood. I could smell it. "

The eldest sighed annoyed again, a scratchy sound followed, "Well, but the point is that at least I'm not involved in it myself, and therefore you have no right to blame me here."

Yeosang jumped down from the counter, and instead leaned against it. He imitated Jongho's movement and crossed his own arms, as a provocation against the younger one.

"I'm the victim in this conversation. You're not feeling pity for me?? "

Jongho rolled his eyes at him and moved further into the kitchen where he found a clean wineglass, "You give me stress."

Nearly as a routine, he opened the refrigerator and served himself a glass of the red liquid. A hand grabbed Jongho's wrist before he managed to put it all away again.

"Pour something up for me too."

Simply, Jongho just nodded and found another wineglass.

"Stress you say? Your girlfriend didn't give you sum' today? "

"Shut up Yeosang," Jongho said, slamming the refrigerator door shut as a warning.

The elder just smirked and reached elegantly out for his wineglass, "Do you want hyung's help to de-stress?"

The mocha-colored giggled like a crushing schoolgirl, his eyes wide as if he was high on drugs. However, that was not what he was addicted to. It was the red liquid in his wineglass. Yeosang was always so affected by it, while others would react differently, or have no reaction at all.

"You sound like Wooyoung now," Jongho replied instead, after all this was not an abnormal stage Yeosang was in right now.

One sip, one more, five more. Maybe Jongho could get the older one to talk? They both sat down at the round white kitchen table. Old marked drops of blood were as if cast over the surface; all those who could never be wiped off. Jongho sat back in his chair for a moment and watched as the purple blood vessels popped up from the elder's skin around his eyes and temple the more blood he ingested. The color spread further down his neck.

"So, do you have any idea where anyone may have taken your blood from?"

He could barely escape his gaze from the liquid in his glass as Yeosang looked at Jongho with a crooked smile.

"The blood test? Ahh .. "the mocha hair-colored started laughing again.

He sat up a little further in his chair and lifted a hand to his hair and began to wrap his one finger around a curl. He rocked his head slightly from side to side while at the same time looking predominantly into his thoughts.

"I got stuck in a traffic accident a few weeks ago," Yeosang looked dreamy for a short while, then started giggling again.

His red eyes looked over at Jongho again, a huge smile on his lips.

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