31| Reasons

651 58 20

The tears never stopped damn falling while the pair got dragged back to a neverending pain. Hongjoong had been trying to comfort the other, as everything dawned on him. What he just had done, what had just happened. His body felt foreign, and it was as he didn't know himself anymore. The worst part was that he still remembered the pain he had felt when Hongjoong had killed him.

The black-haired swallowed the guilt, "What happened to me?"

A man he hadn't known before now, leaned back in his seat. Reportedly, he should know a lot about this situation. He knew all about Hongjoong.

"You were bloodthirsty, and lost control over your body. Sadly, it happens often when turned."

Seonghwa glanced over at the smaller man there sat on the opposite side. His clothes were was still clinging wetly onto his small frame, and his face still held a slight amount of the skin abrasions that hadn't healed yet. Seonghwa bit his lip and let his eyes fall to his lap.

"But it's not your fault Seonghwa, don't worry. Someone else just decided not to listen to what I'd already told him, right Kim Hongjoong."

The tone he held was trying not to scold, but Seonghwa heard it very well. Hongjoong sighed and finally decided to take up the challenge by facing the older vampire.

"I god damn know, Mingi, I know I fucked up really bad this time, and I'm so sorry," Hongjoong said with a wobbly voice that threatened to crack at any moment.

"I don't know what I was thinking.." he whispered while he pulled his legs up from the floor tight into his body, leaning forward and curling his body together.

"I almost regret taking you in Hongjoong. You've caused more trouble than I ever imagined and not only by that, are you two also going viral right now. I suggest you keep a low profile from now on, or you might get into real bad trouble."

Seonghwa raised a brow in light confusion and moved his right hand to hold around his arm, "What do you mean?"

Mingi pinched the bridge of his nose, "Someone caught you on camera and the search services are going crazy over how many victims there was after your kill, when not talking of the way of killing," Mingi paused for a moment to take in the other's expressions before proceeding with the information.

"As said before, this happens a lot anyway, so it shouldn't be a huge problem to our kind's society. Someone is making sure of a revelation won't come out to the world, that doesn't mean that it will stop some people from trying digging deeper in the mystery."

The black-haired slowly nodded his head, while an odd mood fell in the house.

Mingi stood up, "I'll take my leave now," he pointed at them both with squinted eyes, "You better not kill each other when I'm gone."

And then he left the two friends to themselves.

Fiddling with his hands in his lap, Seonghwa felt the bad sense coming back as something deep down in his guts. Almost nauseating in a form for the tide that slowly was rising. His hand pressed for his mouth, the man stumbled out of the room toward the bathroom where he landed harshly on the floor and threw himself over the toilet, and let the sticky feeling out. Black and red was the only thing that came up, and Seonghwa realized that this wasn't just one of his nightmares, but reality. His stomach clenched together in an upheaval of two worlds and he cried. How was he ever supposed to get a normal life again? Hongjoong stood in the doorway and considered the older one with sorrow in his eyes. Seonghwa turned his head and saw up at him with a lost hope in his dark brown eyes.

"You really did this to me?"

"I'm so sorry hyung, please understand I just- I"

"You what? You ruined my life!"

His lip was blue and quivering, and his hair was still wet as his feet were frozen to the ground.

"Why are you doing this, why WHY!"

Hongjoong didn't know what to say and didn't react the slightest to Seonghwa who suddenly got up from the floor, grabbing a towel to dry the blood on his cheek and tossing it to the floor right after. He was growling all the way through his act and now stepping up to Hongjoong, threatening and baring his fangs at the smaller male.

He didn't move from the place when Seonghwa grabbed his collar and aggressively tore his head back to glare into his eyes. Tears stained his cheeks and landed at Hongjoong's own.

"You're an idiot."

A gasp made its way out when Hongjoong was engulfed in an air-killing hug. Something weird settled in his chest, piercing his still heart a little.

"I should never have listened to you," Seonghwa whispered into the top of his head, promising never to let go again.

"But- I killed you," the smaller squeaked.

"I don't care, it wasn't you who killed me. You would never do that to me."

Hongjoong zoned out all while he felt the wet clothes cling tighter into his skin.

He mumbled against Seonghwa's chest, "Forgive me.."

Somehow luck must be on his side, or else Seonghwa wouldn't stand here now. He didn't knew what he would have done if the other hadn't woke up. Mingi had told him that almost no human had any chance of surviving the poison from a vampire. The majority died from the bite, why this was a miracle.

"How long have you been like this?"

Memories flooded his mind before he spoke.

"A half-year."

He was disappointed with himself.

"Why didn't you tell me, don't you trust me?" Seonghwa let go of Hongjoong again and took a step back.

Quickly, Hongjoong shook his head and widened his eyes, "No! Don't think that... I was just.."


The younger shook on his head again while looking down at his feet, "I was scared of losing control, and.. do this."

"And yet, it still happened..."

Seonghwa bit his lip, but reached out for Hongjoong's shoulder, eventually searching for his eyes.

"I need time to think," he said before leaving for his bedroom.

He was now the same blood sucking monster as the one there had killed him.

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