21| Strange kisses

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I've been wanting to update for a week now, but all my teachers suddenly decided to drop math, german, physics, and danish assignments at the same time... Sometimes I wonder if they do that intentionally.......

Well, here I am with a new chapter! It gets a little interesting further down...

Suspiciously he continued down the dark alley, his shoes tapping against the hard surface as the only sound created in the misty night. Slightly, his black cape grazed the ground, coating his dainty, but firm body, from the top of his head and all the way down. Noone was here anyway, the area was long ago forgotten about, but who was he to fool. People must not see him anyway if that was the case.

He licked his teeth annoyed, letting his brown mocha curls fall further down into his face. Why was it even him who was sent to do this, when it was clearly not his responsibility? The boy rolled his eyes in the shadows and swore under his breath. He always ended up being the responsible one - and he did not want to be that.

Sighing, he finally saw the little, half damaged house positioned where it had been for the past hundreds of years. Still as depressed as it always had looked. The boy didn't know why the other vampire never had thought of letting go of that damn house and moving into something more pleasant.

But as always, Mingi had his reasons, and they had long since given up in his case.

He stepped up to the considerable crooked door and knocked a single time before he let himself lean up against the wall, his eyes concentrating on picking his nails. Unbothered of the world going on around him - not that much was happening right now. He waited for some seconds, quickly getting impatient by the house owner, and knocked for the second time at the poor looking door. Nothing happened, and the boy let his eyes rest with an odd look at the supposedly opening for a moment. Wasn't he home?

"What the fuck is happening nowadays..." he whispered before bringing himself forward.

"Then I am just gonna do this by myself, tsk."

When the door swung open the boy let out a surprising cough and he dragged the ends of the cape up to his nose, trying to block out the strong smell that lingered in the house. What had happened here? The soft fabric was definitely not enough to keep the strong odor away and he wanted to puke. Natural, the boy continued his way toward the heart of the house while he carefully tried to cover his most fixed sense. When he saw what was splayed all over the floor, he couldn't hold the little gasp in.


He had never felt so much, but so little at one time, as he did when he awoke from the darkness. He felt weak, and just a simple thing as opening his eyes felt like an impossible task. Nevertheless, he succeeded with less trouble than he had thought. With his mind swirling around he tried to remember what had happened and what was the actual cause of his struggles.

The first thing that got to him was the strong unfamiliar smell, and he scrunched his nose in confusion as he wrinkled his brows at the discovery. When he saw up, no light was welcoming him, and suddenly he felt like he was sinking deep into a soft surface beneath him. Where was he?

Nervously he turned his body around, wincing at the pain the movement caused him, and scanned his eyes quickly over the room. It all was so clean, that he almost thought that he was home at Seon-

The door went open and Hongjoong startled fell back into the bed again. A soft light was turned on, and he found himself staring up at the stranger that now had entered the room.

"I thought I heard you move around, eh?" the stranger smirked at Hongjoong.

He didn't dare do anything. Even though the stranger's appearance seemed soft with his curly hair, shiny eyes, and small nicely clothed body, there was something hidden behind all of it. He would never trust the boy in front of him.

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