15| When life came back

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UPDATE YOU GUYS!! WE SURPASSED 20,000 words for this story!!

The silhouettes danced on the walls behind the flickering candles, like the devil who sat with a crooked smile and played with the fire. Flowing like a thick black liquid sticking to the worst threads of thoughts that stretched from mind to mind like a long endless garland. He hooked his sharp claws into one of the threads and wrapped it together with another until the reaction bubbled with unbearable thoughts threatening with death and destruction.

His eyes had fallen sadly, and the faint flickering light did not even reflect on the glassy surface. There was not even the slightest sign that he was alive anymore. His soul has led astray, far beyond the oceans of the world, where it was stranded in the middle of the open sea. There was no help to be found anymore. He was ashamed of his actions.

The tall, dark-haired man sat on the soft material facing him. He had a thoughtful look directed at the blonde as he continued to tap his fingernails against the flat table in front of him. It beat the silence out to become a ticking bomb that just waited until the countdown ended. But the count just seemed to turn red and soon run out into infinity. A drip from one of the candles that hit the floor made the man look away and over at the running liquid.

"Maybe you should just forget all about him."

His gaze fell further into the tabletop now, his dark eyes widening.

"Maybe I should just forget about him," he repeated monotonously. He had never wanted to disappear more than right now.

The thought of the look he had received at the very moment it had dawned on him, what he had done wrong, tore deep wounds inside him where no one else could see them. But Hongjoong could feel them as the most disgusting burn marks every single time he took the slightest step away from his thoughts. They caught him, like a monster caged inside behind bars.

How could he ever forget him?

The other man drew in an anxiety-provoking amount of air in and exhaled again. The movement caught Hongjoong's attention, and he looked over at the other, who seemed to find another position to sit on the mat, which was placed on the old floor. They made eye contact and Hongjoong's pupils seemed to dissolve in a harmful amount of acid. His gaze screamed in pain and horror.

"I don't think you should visit him again, for your own sake."

Mingi's deep voice resounded as an echo to his ears the longer he looked at him soullessly. It just kept getting more and more empty, even though the words held on to one for comfort.

He swallowed dryly, "Mingi, why did I do it?"

The man in front of him removed his gaze and looked over at the old broken window as he seemed to put together some sort of answer. Then he withdrew and slowly leaned across the table towards Hongjoong, who had barely managed to register how the man's face had unfolded in a more mysterious and sneaky way. He raised a smirking smile.

"You probably know that better yourself, Hongjoong."

The question was passed on to himself again. He could not help but feel it tighten inside, but still, he didn't have the answer to why. And it disturbed him boundlessly that he had the feeling of what was wrong, but no indicative answer to it. It only made the reality even clearer: he had ruined everything. It was all tumbled so far into the abyss that it was impossible to pull up again, no matter how much you had the will. Seonghwa no longer existed in his life. Hongjoong had to learn to accept that.

He rose from the floor and shook his pants-legs back in place before sluggishly following the road after the other. His laces weren't tied, and his sneakers kept rubbing themselves up and down his heel as he tried to keep the balance of all the thoughts that weighed down his shoulders. The energy had drained out of him and the slight dizziness meant that Hongjoong did not even notice how he had been placed on a chair with a glass in front of him.

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