14| Coffee and the scent of blood

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Happy halloween! This chapter...does change a lot in the story

He should have known it would happen. It was too obvious, too planned. As if fate had already made the agreement long before the earth was created.

To Seonghwa's great surprise, the younger one had not went home by the time he woke up. The storm outside had calmed down a bit, but it was far from withdrawn again. Seonghwa rolled around on his stomach and reached for his mobile. The time was around 11 am, which was quite atypical of him compared to how he was a morning person. He exhaled, a smile danced across his lips as he read through all the messages from Emma. He had to wait to visit her.

The man put down his cell phone again and took a look around the room. The spot next to him was empty and cold, but it was clear to see how someone had recently been lying there. Seonghwa got up and rubbed the sleep out of his face. There was no need to change out of his sleeping clothes, so he didn't bother to do so.

But the crash hit him when, after wandering around in what felt like the whole house, he finally sat down on the couch with a freshly brewed hot cup of coffee, noticing the boy sitting on the contrary side. Seonghwa had almost spilled all the hot mass beyond himself not to mention that he actually burned his tongue. He had tried to burn himself a million times at the café, but damn it, did it really have to happen right now? The man had barely woken up from his sleep, and here he sat watching illusions as he burned his tongue off. Hold on-

Seonghwa shot his eyes wide open. What happened? At least he did not see illusions.

The big innocent round eyes stared back at him, hidden behind a pillow that looked like he had stolen. And Seonghwa quickly placed the cup away from his moving radius, afraid of doing more harm to himself with it. He relievedly held a hand over his beating heart.

"Hongjoong, stop scaring me like that."

The younger one just stared back at Seonghwa, as if he himself had seen a ghost. Then he broke out in laughter and Seonghwa couldn't help but smile a little. For a brief moment, it all felt like what it once was. The black-haired man turned on the TV and let a k-drama play. Or what it was, they had fallen directly into the pause with the millions of commercials that were always present on all programs. Seonghwa leaned into the soft pillows behind him, reaching for his coffee cup once more. He was too tired to even focus on anything other than the screen in front of him right now.

Actually, the TV series was also no more exciting than just keeping him awake, and maybe it was not even the thing which did it, but the caffeine that slowly mixed up with his blood. Slowly it leaked out at lengths with all his veins, it simmered all the way out in his fingertips and he sighed.

It combined with the air. He put the empty cup away, and settled back even further into the furniture. His pulsation pounded in his ears, but it was calm and deep, and still he yawned wearily from all the confusion in his life.

It built up, layer by layer. Became stronger. More powerful. As if the storm was coming back, far from satisfied with the yield from last. It itched and made people question whether what they saw was real. The feeling swam around in a desperation of distress and lust. It was a push or pull factor. All the time a problem for equal weighting. First, nothing. Then all of a sudden everything. Getting your hand too close would suffocate you in your worst nightmare, but getting your hand too far away would make you drown in your own longing. It was a battle for balance. And Hongjoong had lost his balance.

The cold touch came in contact with the soft surface. Something tightened in the air and he couldn't breathe. The tension tied with knots around his neck. He had fallen into spells, not the least he noticed. At least not before he felt a grip tighten around his wrist. Seonghwa's heart skipped a beat, and he felt the next pulse beat deeper than usual. Instinctively, the boy moved away from the touch, but the movement struck back with the double effect and his other wrist was caught in an equally cold and hard grip.

It flickered for Seonghwa's gaze as he tried to get a survey of what was going on. His brain was more alert than ever and it didn't help with the rushing caffeine in his blood that made the adrenaline work with a double effect. It flashed with two red spots ere his eyes before he finally felt a weight crouch athwart his lap. And something came in contact with his skin. He gasped and was engulfed in a frantic panic with yanks as he tried to push the weight off him again. But the force was too strong, and Seonghwa was only pushed further into the piece of furniture with fingers holding him so tightly that he possibly could break an arm or two if he tore at them again.

He screamed in desperation at the excruciating pain chasing through his nerve system, but his lips continued starving their way across his skin. It burned with icy sparks and the more he tugged, the more it hurt.

The younger boy drew his saliva up along Seonghwa's bare neck, he was not in his full sense. But it still made no difference. The heat under him was enough to drive him insane, but with the blood rushing in his cochlea was like the icing on the cake. The boy broke out in a protest again but this time without moving. Hongjoong followed suit with the new method, moving his lips with a result similar to a silence. His tongue that had licked a strip over the elder's cheek continued its work over his mouth. Quickly tried to work its way deeper and deeper. The heart stopped and the furious pulse died out. Seonghwa felt everything go blank for him, suddenly unable to think, act, or be alive anymore. He let the younger one push his tongue into the kiss while his soul left his body, and he absent moved his lips with the kiss. He stared blankly into his best friend's red eyes. And he almost felt a deja vu jump up in his head in the exact same way.

Then Hongjoong left the line he had just crossed and continued back to the throbbing pulse in his neck. He let his teeth slide all the way down to his targeted location, but he got no reaction from the older one. It all flowed into a toxic state. His mouth ran with a liquid there rolled down with a mixture of saliva and poison down Seonghwa's skin. His t-shirt became soaked in the sticky mass, but the boy was still in an absent state.

Hongjoong's eyes rolled around in the euphoric feeling he finally experienced, and only in that second did Seonghwa's soul desperately linger back to life again. And he shouted the other boy's name.

In one second he had been so preoccupied with all the senses that were simmering in the air, in the next he withdrew in terror, terrified of what was going on. He opened his eyes wide open and made eye contact with the panting other. Then he ran.


His hands shook violently, as he refused the feeling to take over him. Was he completely insane? His knuckles turned white the more he fell into the guilt. Just the sink wouldn't break.

The boy was on the verge of crying.

With a hard bite in his lower lip, Hongjoong let go of the grasp he had around the edge of the sink to pull his cell phone out of his pocket. What the hell was he supposed to do now?! The urge to lock the door over and over again rose to his head along with the million other thoughts he had right now. He could still feel the tension hanging in the air.

Hongjoong looked down at his phone screen, which was lit up in his shaking hands. It had been completely idiotic of him to go home to Seonghwa. And then even to sleep there? Had he totally lost his mind? Their friendship was ruined forever now, and his secret was blown right away. He could just give up on his endless life now. It would have been so much easier if he'd just been killed that time instead of living on. Why, why was fate put like this ?!

There was only one option right now, and he needed help. Hongjoong took a deep breath to stabilize the fluids that bubbled up in him before pressing the number in and calling.

"Mingi, I need your help."

He whispered an apology to the older boy as he passed him on his way exiting the house.

Thank you SO MUUCH for 1k reads??!

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