Chapter 6- Meeting them

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"Come on Joel, she nearly died and you saved her, at least I can do for you is this" Jason's voice came

"No, Jason I can't, that's a lot of money-" a deep voice said who I recognised as Joel.

"Joel, your bothers sick, I know that and this money can help him"

"Thank you" Joel's voice said. I hear a door close and then someone hold my hand.

"I've only known you for a couple of weeks've risen feelings in me which I haven't felt in a long time. I'm so sorry that you have to leave but it's for the best, I'm not a good person to be around, non of us are." Jason says softly, I can hear the concern for me in his voice. He cups my face with one hand and kisses my forehead.

I decide to make myself known, so I let out a moan of pain as a small shock of pain erupts in my stomach. My eyes open a little and I lift my hands up to rub them.

"Hey hey hey, slow down" a concerned Jason says. He put his arms out and pushes me down lightly so I'm laying down again.

My eyes lock with his. They're a beautiful golden brown. My mouth turns up into a small smile. He holds my hand.

"I'm so glad you're okay, if Mac was here he would kill me for letting this happen to you" Jason said while shaking his head a little. He just ruined the moment, I tore my eyes away from his. Mac? I wish I met this guy, he sounds nice but it's disrespectful to be posing as his sister. I want to tell him but I'd die in... one second flat, no matter how much he cared for me.

" I have to leave?" I ask quietly, I lift my head and look at his face.

"I'm sorry Emily it's just for the best" you could tell in his voice that he didn't want me to go, it was like he was debating wether or not I should stay.

"I have no where to go and I've made friends here...please Jason, I'll do anything" I beg, this wasn't just about my job anymore, I wanted to know more about these people, about their back story.

Jason looks down at our hands and his thumb rubs the back of my hand. He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out.


"Look, I'll tell you what, my brother and sister need someone to look after them, the childcare is getting too much, I know I've got money but it's hard when they are left alone a lot. They need someone to look after them, if you do it, I'll pay you and you can live in the house-" I can't believe he just said that. I cut him off.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Of course, I get if you don't wanna"

"Jason, I do, thank you so much for this. How old are they?" I ask.

"Jazmyn's 6 and Jaxon's 5" he replies. That's perfect!

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

**2 days later**
Well...I packed everything and moved to Jason's other house. I unpacked and now was going to meet his siblings, I was dressed in a white knee length lace dress, with my white lace high heels, I wanted to make a good first impression. I look in the mirror one more time before sighing and walking out and going downstairs. I was really nervous.

"You ready?" Jason asks, he stands at the bottom of the stairs. I nod and follow him into the living room.

"Jazmyn, Jaxon, this is Emily. She's going to be your new nanny." Jason says.

The two children face us. The little girl, who I assume is Jazmyn smiles widely at me the other who I'm guessing is Jaxon looks up at me and has a confused expression on his face.

The Reporter (A Jason McCann love story) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now