Chapter 3 -The shopping trip.

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**Alice's P.O.V (point of view)**
I get changed into my pyjamas which consists of a white vest and some pyjama bottoms, which had cats on them and was pink. Not exactly badass but hey!

I lay in bed and slowly drift asleep.

**next morning**
I wake up to a couple of birds tweeting outside my bedroom window. It was a nice way to wake up, i look up to the window, the early morning sun shine gleams through the windows and round my room. It was probably way to early for the others to be up. I turn around and the alarm clock said 7:24am.

I could start getting ready. Today i was hopefully going to meet the other members, i hope so. I need to start taking my notes.

I sit up and swing the duvet off me. I sigh while turning my body and my feet hit the floor. I push myself up and go into the bathroom, i brush my teeth and hair before starting the shower, i strip and do my hair and body before turning the shower off and drying myself.

Yawning, i shuffle into my room again, i put my underwear on, a pair of ripped dark blue skinny jeans, a pair of american flag converse and my matching american flag shirt. I blow dry my hair and leave it natural.

I turn to my phone and it says 8:19am. I put my phone in my pocket and go downstairs, when i get down only jason and 2 other boys are up.

"Hey, guys" i say while waving my hand a little.
They all turn to face me.

"Emily, this is Chaz and Ryan" jason says while pointing to the two people next to him.

"Hi" i say before going into the kitchen, i look in the fridge and get the orange juice out, i get a cup from the cupboard and poured a full cup, i put the juice back. I found some bread and Nutella and made Nutella toast.

"Oh my god! You made me breakfast! Thanks!" Someone shouted before stealing my plate, i look up and Chaz was eating my food.

I pull a sad face.

"Thats mine" i say in a baby voice.

"Mine now" he teases.

A couple more people come in, then some more come, then more. God at the end there was about 20 people in this kitchen, it is a big kitchen though.

"Group meeting!" Jason calls from the living room, everyone goes into the living room while i just stay where i was. I sigh and look at the half eaten toast that i made. That wasn't fair!

Jason comes in.

"Come on, i want you to meet everyone" he says before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the living room. There were people standing and sitting, there wasn't any place for anyone to sit anymore.

He leads me to the front.

"Everyone this is Emily, shes Mac's sister" Jason says.

"Emily, this is Ryan, Chaz, Joel and Joanna which you already know. Theres Jack, Justin, Joe, Max, Annabelle, Rosie, Shawn, Becky, Amy, Brad, Hayden, Dylan, twist, Josh, Cole, Noel and Chris, these are my closest gang members, your brother was in this." Jason adds.
**2 hours later**
After i met everyone i decided to go shopping, i get my bag and necessities and go back downstairs. Joanna, Rosie, Annabelle, Becky and Amy are standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.

"Do you wanna go shopping?" Asks Rosie.

"Well i was just about to go now" i reply. I could get to know these girls then they are more likely to give me the information i need.

Their faces light up in excitement and Becky opens the door for us to go out of. When we have all gone through Becky shuts the door.

"well theres six of us, 3 in each car? We will take mine and Joanna's car." Annabelle suggests. Everyone nods in understandings and goes their separate ways. Joanna, Rosie and me in one car and becky, annabelle and amy in the other. Im so glad they didn't want to take my car, its got embarrassing things in there.

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