Chapter 15 - temper

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[really important authors note at the end, please read but obviously I'm not making you]

I was walking to the supermarket, because there were 2 kids and well god knows how many 'adults' that are coming to the house to have dinner nearly every day. Jaxon sits in the trolley while jazzy holds Jason's hand, she was skipping. They were both behind me. Jaxon looks up at me.

"Alice, are you and Jason gonna get married?" I can't believe that question just came out of this mouth. To be honest I didn't know if me and Jason were gonna get married I mean yes I did love him...but he was a criminal, not just any criminal but a wanted criminal who probably didn't want to settle down. Well he can't with more than half of the police force looking for him.

"I don't know, you'll just have to see won't you?" I tell him, he looks down almost upset.

I walked down the aisles, jazzy and Jason put stuff in the trolley. We ended up having a full trolley and when we got to check out I take Jaxon out of it and place him with his sister who help place the items on the conniver belt.

"Alice! Please please please can you get me this?" Jazzy jumps up and almost shouts, I stop what I'm doing and look at her, both her and Jaxon have a chocolate bar in their hands. 

"Jazzy what did I tell you about this? You do it every time we go to the supermarket and I say no, go put it back, both of you." Jason says sternly while putting the last of the items on the belt. Jazzy and Jaxon pull a face and turn around to put it back... I couldn't do this.

"Wait, Jason I'll pay for them. Sweethearts give them here" I say, I hold my hand out for them to give me the chocolate bars and they both quickly turn around and bounce, they literally run to me and place the chocolate bars in my hand.

"No, Alice don't, it's okay I'll pay." Jason injects.

"I can see how much it bothers you, I'll just pay" I laugh.

"Seriously Alice, give them here" he says with a straight face. I place them in his hand and he puts them at the front of our shopping pile.

When it was our turn to pay Jason puts the items in bags and places then in the trolley so we can carry them around. As soon as the chocolate bars were scanned I give them to the kids.

"Alice, we love you" they say at the same time.

"I love you both too" I smile.

Jason paid and were so picky that he didn't get recognised because if he did I seriously don't know what'll happen.

We load the shopping into the car and I buckle jazzy and Jaxon in their car seats. Jaxon kept moving and wining.

"Sweetie stop" I sigh. He obviously didn't listen.

"Jaxon stay still" I ask again while trying to get the strap from underneath him.

Still didn't listen.

I could see Jason in the front seat getting inpatient.

"Jaxon! Stop!" I snap, my angry and inpatient side shows itself.

Everyone in the car jumps at my little outburst. I let out a loud sigh as I finish buckling him in. I slam the door and get into my seat which is the passengers. I flop in my chair and put my seat belt on, I could feel eyes on me but I really wasn't in the mood. I hear a loud sniff behind me, like someone was crying and I know it was Jaxon.

I lean back and put my hand on my forehead, I close my eyes and sigh. I feel the car jerk forwards as it starts to move. It was silent, the only sound came from Jaxon who was still crying behind me.

I groan.

I open my eyes and remove my arm. I turn on the stereo. Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift comes on. I hum along to the tune.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Jason looking at me every now and then. When we got home it was like a blessing, he parked close to the steps so we could get the shopping out. Jason left me to get the kids as he already starts to take everything inside, Chaz, Ryan and Rosie come out to help him. I'm still sat in the passenger seat. Jaxon was still sniffling but I couldn't bare looking back knowing I made him cry. It was heartbreaking but I know that'll have to do it some time or another so I take a deep breath and unbuckle my seatbelt.

I turn to them.

"A-are you okay sweetie?" I ask Jaxon.

He looks up at me with teary eyes. He doesn't answer.

"Sweatheart, I'm so sorry for shouting, you just got me mad. I'm so sorry..." I tell him.

He smiles at me and wipes his eyes.

"I love you Alice" he tells me.

"I love you too munchkin" I smile.

I get out of the car and open the door to the back seat, I reach over and unbuckle Jazzy, she literally climbs over Jaxon and jumps out. I just laugh as she jumps to try and lift a bag of shopping. I turn back to Jaxon, I see he has a snotty nose and the tears are still streaming down his face.

I grab a tissue from the dispenser and wipe his tears before wiping his nose. I unbuckle him and pick him up. I close the door with my foot and start walking inside, Jaxon cuddles to my side and his head snuggles into my neck, once I get inside I already hear heavy breathing from him so I know he's asleep.  

I go into the kitchen, bags were spread across the island in the middle, I go over to the bin and throw the tissue I used on Jaxon in there. Jaxon moved slightly in my arms and wrapped his arms around my neck while his head lags on my shoulder. I look down at him.

He kinda looks a bit like Jason...obviously that was good, he'd have all the girls after him soon.

Jason comes in with I assume was the last of the bags and placed them down. He looks at us both and starts walking towards us. Once he's in front he wraps his arms around us in a hug, he kisses my lips lightly. He pulls away and I look at him.

"Jason I am so sorry for snapping, I shouldn't have done it, I feel so bad-" I rant but Jason cuts me off.

"Sweetheart, it's fine really" he tells me but I'm not gonna get it go that easily.

"But it's not okay, I'm such a bad person. Jaxon didn't deserve it." I couldn't believe I did it, yes I lost my temper but he's a kid, what did I expect?

"You are not a bad person Alice, you are the sweetest person I've ever met. Jaxon got over it didn't he, look at him" he tells me, I know what he was saying but still. I look down at Jaxon. That little voice inside of me just told me Jaxon did get over it and that he's fine but still.

"Sweetheart please listen, he is fine." He tells me one last time and I just nod. I guess Jaxon is okay with it as he wouldn't be in my arms right now.

Jason looks into my eyes and smiles, he has a beautiful smile, I return the smile.

"You know this time a couple of months ago I would never think of being here with someone as amazing as you"

[again it's short and crappy but it's only a filler chapter, I was thinking of ending this story in a couple of chapters...yes or no? I have no inspiration for this anymore and I want to start another story...comment below. Oh and don't forget to vote and comment and that shizz 😂]

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