Chapter 16 - sick

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Yesterday Alice shouted at Jaxon she felt so bad and that night she made them spaghetti obviously they loved it, most of the gang came round and they all loved her cooking but after Alice washed the dishes she went straight up stairs and put the kids to bed, it was only 7pm but she just didn't feel right, she just felt really ill, now it's 4am and Alice is sat on the floor next to the toilet. She's been sat here for the last 2 hours...really all she wanted Jason here to comfort her but he was sleeping but she was actually surprised that he stayed over, he always stays in his room though, he doesn't like sleeping with people, at the start of their relationship they always slept in the same bed but she could tell he was getting impatient with her. He was used to going out with a girl and having sex but Alice wanted to go slow so he hasn't got anymore than a good make out with her. Alice feels her mouth watering again and she knows shes going to be sick, she was sick once again.

Alice hated being sick. She really hated it.

Alice hears her bedroom door open and with Alice being in the ensuite bathroom with the door open it obviously wasn't hard for anyone to find her. She turns her head a little and see Jason stud there.

"Are you alright?" He asks looking straight at her, Alice could hear the concern in his voice and it made her feel a little better knowing that someone was here.

"Jason...I-I'm sorry" Alice apologises

"What are you apologising for? You haven't done anything" he tells her.

Alice had no idea why she was sorry, maybe because she was being sick in technically his bathroom because this wasn't her house, it was Jason's.

He comes closer to her and kneels down, he doesn't come so close that she could be sick on him but close enough that she could hold his hand.

"That I'm sick-" Alice say but Jason cuts her off before she could finish the last word.

"It's fine sweetheart, everyone gets sick" his thumb rubs over her hand in a soothing manner.

Oh shit Alice thought feeling the familiar feeling and is sick in the toilet once again.

This is so embarrassing Alice thought but Jason didn't mind, he started at the brunette beauty in front of him.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and get the bucket okay, you can be sick in that, I'll set everything up downstairs and you can sit down there with me, does that sound okay?" Jason adds sweetly.

Alice nods and once his hand leaves hers she feels lonely, she closes her eyes but finally decides to open them and stand up, She wobbles but catches herself on the sink. Alice didn't know why she was doing this but she reached for her toothbrush and tooth paste, she brushed her teeth, when she did this she brushed her hair into a messy bun with her fingers, she looks at herself through the mirror and even though she still looked bad she looked considerably better than before when she looked like she had been dragged through a bush backwards

Alive shivers from obviously being cold, the door opens once again and she feels a blanket being draped over her, Alice looks up in the mirror and Jason was standing right behind her with a bucket in his hands, Alice didn't notice but he put a thermometer into her mouth.

"Let's get you down stairs" he says while holding her hand. She takes a step and nearly falls but Jason catches her. He sighs before picking Alice up in bridal style, the bucket on her stomach as he carries her down the stairs and sits her up on the couch.

Jason sits next to her and pulls her closer, the blanket was now draped over them both and the bucket was on Jason's lap, he reaches for the thermometer and takes it out on Alice's mouth. He shakes his head and puts his hand on Alice's forehead just to make sure that the number on the little device was right, he pulls straight back.

"Oh baby girl" he coos.

Okay that's so hot Alice thought.

He turns the tv on with the remote which is next to him, he gets a bottle of water and hands it to her.

"Jason I don't think I can hold this down."

"It's better to be sick with water Alice, please just drink some" he opens the top for her knowing how weak she was. He helps Alice lift the bottle to her mouth and she takes a big gulp.

His arm slings round her shoulder and Alice can't help but snuggle into his side. The water bottle is taken off her and put to the side and Jason flips through the channels.

Alice felt so tired... she closes her eyes and everything just disappeared.

[[ this is bad but I've already started the next chapter and it's gonna be better. There's gonna be only 2 or 3 chapters left. Thank you so much for reading and sorry it's taken so long for me to update]]

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