Chapter 14 - Mysterious little boy he is -

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I was so confused on what was happening right now but Jason came down with a dressed jazzy and Jaxon, he had a bag in his hand.

"Chaz my man!" He greets and does this weird bro hand shake.

Me and Rosie look at each other before laughing, we literally had no idea what they were doing but they finished with a head butt.

"Well here's everything they should need for today and don't forget the time" Jason tells Chaz before patting him on the back.

"Yep I got it man, have a nice time" Rosie sad before grabbing chaz's hand and pulling him out the house with jazzy and Jaxon trailing behind them.

"What's going on Jason?" I ask

"We're spending some time together, i booked a table at McDonalds for us"

"McDonalds?" I laugh.

" that alright?" He asks, his face quickly getting serious.

"No that's fine" I laugh and lean up to kiss him, I softly push my lips onto his.

He pulls back.

"I'm sorry it's not anywhere nice but you know I'm kinda a wanted criminal remember" he laughs.

I giggle slightly.

"I'm gonna go get dressed,you should too!" I tell him before turning around and making my way up the stairs.

After taking a short shower and doing my morning routine I dry and curl my hair slightly, then I slip on a black coral dress with black pumps, I get a little black shoulder bag and put my necessities in it. I strolled down the stairs and when I get to the bottom Jason stands there, I smile at him and he hooks his arm into mine.

"You look beautiful, as ways" he compliments me.

I blush and let out a small giggle.

"Shut up" I playfully hit his arm.

He leads me out of the door and into a black SUV, it was a cool car but I knew he had way more than this. He opens the door for me and I get in, he closes the door and I put my seat belt on, he jogs to the other side and gets in.

I guess I was excited, my first date with Jason but I mean it's McDonalds, can you even book a table there?

He drives for about 20 minutes and when he stops he goes round to my side and opens the door for me.

"So...McDonalds is literally the only place where if you pay the workers $20,000 each they keep their mouth shut and closes it down for everyone else"

"You rented out McDonalds?!" I ask in disbelief

"I guess I did"

*2 hours later*

I sit down on the sofa and close my eyes, that was amazing and surprisingly romantic, Jason's not really one for romantics but it was amazing, we talked about our life, mainly our childhood but Jason didn't reveal more than where he lived and what school he went to, I know it's a touchy subject for him.

I on the other hand told him everything, I told him what nickname my friends used to call me. What age I moved out. My favourite colour. All the pets I've had throughout my life. What my parents did for a living. Literally everything.

It felt weird though, he knew literally everything about me but I hardly knew anything about him. Mysterious little boy he is.

[[i am really so sorry I haven't updated in so long...I'm actually ashamed of myself, this chapter is so short but i hope you like it]]

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