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Jason adjusted to life again pretty quickly, Alice's parents accepted Jason and they were happy to see their little girl happy and taken care of.

It was now 5 years after Jason came out of prison. Jazzy was now 14 and at the top of her class and Jaxon was 12 also at the top of his class.

Both Alice and Jason were so proud.

Alice wakes up to crying, she sighs. While sitting up Jason beats her to it.

"You need to rest, I'll get him" Jason tells her while softly patting her shoulder.

Alice looks down at her stomach where there was a pregnant stomach, she was 6 months and they found out it was going to be a girl. 2 years ago on 24th June at 3:05am she gave birth to a beautiful baby body. Both Alice and Jason decided to call him Evan. As Jason tended to Evan Alice laid back down and faced side wards, the picture on the bedside table staring at her, it was at her wedding day, her and Jason decided to get married 3 years ago and it was the best day of her life. Jason had 2 best mans which were Ryan and Chaz while Alice's father took her down the aisle and her bridesmaids were Ryan and Chaz's' girlfriends which she's now very close to.  

The crying stops and Jason walks back into the room, without saying a word he lays beside Alice and wraps his arms around her, his hands resting on her heavily pregnant belly.

"I love you so much Alice and I have no idea what I would do without you, you have given me a better life, a family, and let me experience love. Please don't ever leave me."

"I love you too Jason, i wouldn't give this up for anything and I'm defiantly not leaving "

"thank you"

Alice snuggles back into Jason and they both fall asleep.

It turns out that they would follow the promises they made on their wedding day, death do us part, through sickness and health, rich or poor.

4 children they had, 2 boys and 2 girls





Its now the year 2081 at Christmas, Jason is now aged 87 and Alice is aged 85, they are both sat in their chairs in the same house they had all those years ago, Jazzy and Jaxon is sitting across from them with their kids, grandkids and partners, Evan, Carly, George and Amelia is also sat in the same room with their partners and children. Years and years ago Jason never thought he could have a life like this. Being loved by so many people.

"grandpa, grandpa look at this" little Sam squeals as he opens a present containing some chocolate

"of that's nice" he relies with a big smile on his face.

"do you want some?" Sam asks his grandpa which he truly adored.

"no, its all yours, save it for later though after your dinner, you don't want to get all filled up on chocolate now do you"

"oh yeah you're right" little Sam moves the chocolate out of the way in a little pile of his own presents and carries on opening them with the others.

Jason feels a hand slip into his, e looks to his side and his wife is smiling at him.

"I love you" Alice tells him.

"I love you too"

[[FINISHED! After all this time I've finally finished this story, I want to thank you all for what you have done for me, even if its only been 3 or 4 people, it means a lot to me because I didn't even think I would get one read. I will be starting another book, I don't know what it will be yet or when I will start it all I know is that there will be another book from me and it will be longer. College is starting back up in less than a week so I'm going to be writing the book in notes and when I think it is a reasonable time to post it I will. Again thank you so much and see you next time.]]

The Reporter (A Jason McCann love story) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now