Chapter 18- bye

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Today was the day. Jason was going on trail. Alice talked to him on the phone numerous times but no one was allowed to see him, he didn't tell on anyone and because of that he was going to get more time. That day when they took him the police questioned Alice she cracked and told them everything she knew which really wasn't much as she didn't join in a lot with the missions they went on and either way Jason didn't go on many anymore because he spends a lot of time with Alice and the kids, but she didn't tell them about the others.

When the police left Alice rung the gang straight away, she was in tears and explained what just happened, Jazzy and Jaxon was confused but seeing Alice crying and Jason being dragged away they knew something was wrong and them too were crying. When she hung up she made them something to eat and put their favourite movie on so this would keep them quiet, when everyone came round they all comforted Alice and from that day they have been staying with her.

Alice gets ready for the day and puts on her black dress and puts her make-up on, she wasn't ready for this. Jazzy and Jaxon were being taken care of by Alice's mother and father, when they found out they weren't happy about it but when Alice explained to them that he would never put her in danger and that he wasn't a dangerous person they warmed up a bit more noticing how much Alice loved this man and how much she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life.

Ryan and Chaz was downstairs and they had cooked breakfast, everyone else had things to do and said that they would be there for the trail but Ryan and Chaz have been friends with Jason since they were little and they wouldn't let the people he loved go through this alone. As Alice ate the pancakes in front of her it was quiet, they knew that he wouldn't be getting out any time soon and that scared the three.

"I'm really scared guys, what if he's sentenced to life?" Alice says quietly while she plays about with the last bit of pancakes on her plate that she just lost her appetite for.

"don't be silly Alice, even murders don't get that. Jason has never murdered anyone." Ryan explains to her.

Alice nods her head showing that she understands.

Hours late it was time to leave, Ryan offered to drive and they got into his car, when they arrived it was crowded with people, a lot from neighbouring gangs and other people who see didn't know, she walked in with Ryan in front of her and Chaz at the back of her. They sat down in the court room and now all they had to do was wait. 15 minutes later Jason came out in a orange jumpsuit and handcuffed, he looked rough. Alice was so happy to see him and this made a big smile appear on her face, Jason met her eyes and smiled back. The judge looked like a nice lady and she looked like she was in her early 30's, she banged her gravel on her desk and this made everyone in the court room look up and be quiet, this meant that Alice and Jason's eye contact broke.

"everyone order in the court room. Jason McCann on this day you will receive your punishment for 2 accounts of fraud, 3 accounts of money laundering, 2 accounts of handling class A drugs and numerous accounts of carrying an unlicensed weapon, do you plead guilty or not guilty?" This judge didn't seem as bad as the others but I guess it wasn't up to her it was up to the jury that was on the left wall, they all seemed like they didn't want to be here

"I plead guilty my honour" Jason looks into the judges eyes and she sighs.

An hour it took to look over all the evidence and Jason's lawyer was good at trying to get the lowest sentence and with the money Jason had he could afford a lawyer like this.

"As the jury decides I'm calling an hour lunch break, be back for 1pm" the Judge tells us all before banging her gravel to dismiss everyone. everyone was piling out and the jury went into the back room to decide. Jason was taken back to him cell and as this all was happening Alice didn't take her eyes off the judges post.

"Alice come on darling" Chaz says and get softly takes Alice's arm and leads her outside, when they get outside a lot of people are still around but it didn't look like they were here to harm or make a scene.

Alice sits on the stairs at the bottom of the building and she shivers from the coldness as she's only wearing a small dress it didn't help. Someone drapes a blazer over Alice to keep her warm when she looks up Ryan is standing there, he smiles and sits next to her, he pulls her into his chest.

"he's going to be okay" Ryan tells Alice while his face is in her hair.

The two talk about the future and it turns out that Ryan and Chaz is moving into Jason's house with her and the kids.

"You're not going to leave right?" Ryan asks Alice.

This catches her off guard.

"Of course I'm not, I couldn't do that" she says.

she couldn't leave the kids even if Ryan and Chaz would be there she couldn't leave them and she wanted Jason and only Jason no one else and couldn't wait for him to come back to them.

"Don't you have lives of your own?" Alice asks

"nah, relationships aren't really on the top of my list right now, maybe in a couple of years I can settle down and whatnot but not yet ." Ryan's voice gets quiet and Alice looks up at him, they both smile at each other.

The sentencing would start again in 10 minutes so Alice stands up and gives Ryan his blazer back while thanking him, they walk into the building again and take the seats once again. When everyone gets in the judge comes back and bangs her gravel silencing everyone, Jason comes back out once again.

"The jury have come to a conclusion and if they could be so kind as to give me the envelope." she says while the jury come in, the one of the end gives the judge the envelope.

I already knew that it was guilty so when she read this out no one was surprised but now this was the most important bit the actual sentencing.

"I've come to a conclusion, for the sentencing for 2 accounts of fraud, 3 accounts of money laundering, 2 accounts of handling class A drugs and numerous accounts of carrying an unlicensed weapon sentence you Jason McCann to 10 years in prison with a chance to parole" The judge tells us.

My hand shoots to my mouth and tears stream down my face, 10 years technically only mean 5 and because of parole it could be about 3 years. Alice couldn't believe her ears she was happy because it wasn't as long as she thought but was obviously sad because he would be gone. She didn't know how to feel but as seconds went by sadness got the better of her and a loud sob escapes her mouth. Through her blurry tear filled eyes she could see Jason looking up at her. Ryan hugs her from the side and Alice leans her head on his shoulder. This was it.

[[Okay so guys this was hard to write, its not hard to see why. 2 more chapters left and I've already planned them out, maybe I'll get this finished sooner than I thought but tell me what you thought of this because I had fun writing this, I'm really tired  so if there are any mistakes I'm sorry. please like and comment. Thank you so much for reading and I love you all (well about the 2 people that actually still read this story]]

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