Chapter 12 - The kiss

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After we all finished our dinner the kids went back upstairs, Jason stayed back to help me clean up, I didn't mind of course.

We both reached for the same plate and our hands touch once again. My breath hitches in the back of my throat and I just can't get it out.

"S-sorry" he stutters while pulling his hand away.

He takes the plates he had in his arms into the kitchen. My breath finally returns and I let out a big sigh. I get tingles all over when he touches me. He comes back in and takes the plates out my hand, before I can react he puts the plates back on the table and traps me between his body and the table. I gasp, not used to the sudden movement and closeness of us at the moment.

It looks as if he's thinking for a bit but his head comes further down and his lips touch mine. Right, this is heaven! No one touch me!

It was only a simple kiss but it meant the world to me. He pulls away. A smile appears on my lips, I look up at Jason and a piece of hair is over his eyes, I reach up and move the hair so I could see him properly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" he tells me and shakes his head.

"No, no Jason, really it's fine" I put my hand on his arm and rub my thumb on his arm.

He just looked at me.

"Are you sure?" He asked me.

It was like he expected me to slap him and kick him out, I should have but...I couldn't bring my self to do it. I did like Jason but he was just the leader of the group, I shouldn't judge him on this, but I do. I don't expect a lot from him for this reason, I don't expect him to be romantic and act like he loves me and treat me like a princess but I secretly wanted to be treated like this and Jason does this.

Again I feel deeply for him but just scared to do anything just in case he doesn't feel the same.

He might have just kissed me because he was bored, he might have wanted to because he wanted to play with me.

"Of course I'm sure, j-Jason...o-okay?" I stutter. I couldn't help but be nervous, he's the only person that has ever made me feel like this.

"It's not okay! I shouldn't have done that. Why aren't you shouting at me or something!? What I did then was wrong?!" His hands snap to his hair and grab it, he pulls at it.

My hands go to his face and try to calm him down while rubbing my thumb on his cheek. He stares deeply into my eyes and let's go of his hair. His hands go over mine, he closes his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have shouted at you. Please forgive me" he whispers.

"Jason it's fine okay? You did nothing wrong and you don't need to apologise, you didn't do anything to apologise for." I tell him.

He shakes his head and pulls away from my grip.

"I love you Alice."

My god. He loves me. Oh my god. I can't believe this. Those 3 words mean everything. Love is such a strong feeling. He can't feel that for me, it's impossible.

My mouth opens and closes, a bit like a fish to be honest.

"I knew you didn't feel the same" he sighs before shaking his head once again and starting to walk towards the stairs.

I couldn't let him go.

"Wait!" I shout as he is now at the bottom of the stairs. I run towards him and launch myself onto him, smashing my lips to his, he nearly falls over from the sudden weight being forced upon him.

I pull away and lean my forehead on his.

"I love you too Jason" I finally let out.

His frown turns upside down into the biggest smile. He picks me up and twirls me around.

**2 hours later**

After our little...confession of love or whatever you wanna call it was done he helped me finish cleaning up, he filled the dishwasher and everything.

Now we were in his bed, a bit quick yes but I trusted him enough not to try anything.

"Goodnight beautiful" he yawns.

"Goodnight" I whisper.

He cuddles into me and I relax. I close my eyes and let sleep take over me.

[[ well 767 words, I guess that's quite short it hey don't judge! I have writers block again but I ended up getting through it. I wanted to tell you guys how grateful I am for you to be reading this... I love you.]]

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