Chapter 13 - pajamas and breakfast

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Ohmygod! My dream just came true. I kissed Alice and it was all that I dreamed it would be...

I told her I loved her and she loved me back...i can't feel like this! I'm the leader of a violent group, I don't want to be holding her back from her potential.

I stare at the beautiful creature sleeping in front of me. I take in all her features and as I didn't think she could get any more perfect she moaned slightly in her sleep.

I was turned on by everything about her, even when she's talking to me I want to grab hold of her and fuck her right there and then, I don't even care where I am.

The alarm on the bedside table rings and she groans, I chuckle slightly at the sight, she grabbed the pillow under her and threw it at me, it hit me square in the face, obviously it didn't hurt buts he couldn't get away with that.

"Oh baby, you shouldn't have done that" I tease while grabbing a pillow, I hit her on the leg.

She gasps and sits up, she kneels on the bed and launches herself onto me, we both fall to the floor.


How dare he hit me? It didn't hurt and I deserved it but still, so I launch myself onto him and we both fall to the floor. We were in hysterics, we couldn't stop laughing, we didn't move from where we were, me on top of him.

"You're beautiful" Jason just randomly comes out with, I feel my face getting hot and I shake my head so my hair falls into my face to hide the redness behind it.

"Hey, don't hide that beautiful face from me" he says before reaching up and tucking the hair behind my ear.

"Jason stop you're making me blush" I giggle.

"I love you and that sound." He was referring to my giggle, it was a little high pitched screech in my ears but whatever.

His hand reaches up to my cheek and he caresses it. A smile, yes a genuine smile from the person who apparently hasn't got any emotions according to the press and the newspapers, but this is wrong, he's one of the most caring and considerate person I've ever met.

He slowly leans up and I take that as a hint for me to lean down, in the middle our lips meet. I push him down lightly to make it more comfortable, I straddle him.

It was like a romantic movie, our lips move in sync. We get interrupted by a knock on the door. We both pull away and look at the door.

"Who is it?" Jason asks.

"It's jazzy, me and Jaxon are hungry" jazzy says from the door.

I sigh and get up off the floor, slowly I drag my feet across the floor not really wanting to do anything today, just stay with Jason. Once I get to the door I open it. Jaxon and Jazzy stands at the door.

"Alice! We thought you left! We couldn't find you, why are you in Jason's room?" Jazzy asks confused.

"Hmm...I was just cleaning, yeah cleaning!" I know it's not good to lie but I couldn't just tell them about me and their brother now could I?

"In your pyjamas?" Jazzy questions.

"Yeah, I wanted to get a head start" I smile at them both.

"We'll come on, we're both hungry!" She moans.

I sigh and just fake a smile. I look back at Jason and he's smirking at me. The bastard. I shut the door and walk down the stairs, once I get to the bottom of the stairs I jump the last 2 steps.

"Alice can I have pancakes with chocolate chips?" Jazzy asks.

I look in the cupboard and see the ingredients.

"What do you say?" I ask her.

"Please?" She squeaks.

I giggle and get everything out.

"Jaxon, what would you like?"

"Can I have the same please?" He asks sweetly.

"Of course"

I start making chocolate chip pancakes for 4.

**20 minutes later**

All the pancakes are ready and Jason is sat at the table with the kids, I bring 2 plates out and give them to the kids, I look at Jason and indicate for him to follow me. He gets it and stands up, we both go into the kitchen.

I lean on the island and he blocks me, he leans down and he teases me with his lips.

"Now, miss Downing, did you make me any breakfast?" He chuckles.

"Mr McCann, of course I did" I mocked him.

I reached behind me and pulled the plate of pancakes towards him.

"My favourite, good girl miss Downing" he bites his lip and takes the plate.

He puts it back on the island and finally smashes his lips to mine. One hand wraps round his neck to pull him closer and the other was playing with his hair. It was amazing.

**2 hours later**
After our little...kiss we both ate our breakfast and we all got dressed. My outfit was simple, I wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a purple vest top and a pair of American converse. I left my hair wavy and messy like it usually was.

I hear the front door open and close and go down to see who it is. Chaz and Rosie were at the bottom of the stairs.

"Alice, are the kids doing anything today?" Rosie asks.

"No not unless Jason wants to do anything, why?" I ask a little confused.

"Actually Jason was the one that asked us to come here, he wants us to take jazzy and Jaxon"

"Oh" I say confused.

[[ oh my god I'm so sorry for not updating, it's been ages! I know it's going down hill but I'm busy, i should be finishing college next Tuesday or Wednesday so I'll have more time to update. ]]

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