Chapter 19- stay

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Since Jason got sentenced a week ago Alice has been distant to everyone, she hasn't been talking and only came out of her room to eat. Ryan has been taking care of Jazzy and Jaxon and they still didn't understand what was fully happening but today Alice is going to be taking them to see Jason at the prison, this would be the first time she's seen him since the trail.

She was scared to see him again.

Alice got ready for the day and she ate. Once Jazzy and Jaxon was ready she got them both into the car. Ryan and Chaz was staying at the house and would be there when they get back, they were going to be cooking dinner for us. The care ride was quiet and the only sound was the radio but when they arrived the talking began

"Alice where are we?" Jazzy asks

"We're going to see Jason" Alice answers.

Both of the kids nod their head and they go together into the prison, when they sign in at the desk they were sent to a big room where multiple tables and chairs were. Alice picked a table that was near the door where the prisoners came out just so he wouldn't miss them, she sat the kids down, she could tell that they were scared but they knew she wouldn't let anything happen to them. 10 minutes later prisoners were starting to come out and Jason was among them all, she wasted no time when Jason got out of the crowd before she sprung up and hugged him, she buried her head in his neck

"oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, Jason" Alice sobs.

Jason hugs her back and sighs against her hair. After a few more seconds Alice pulls away and she leads him to the table, Jazzy and Jaxon gets up and hugs him while letting a few tears of their own go.

"hey guys, I miss you so much" he tells us.

They all sit back down and they all talk for a while.

It was nice being here with him and the kids just like the older days, she loved it and suddenly got really emotional, Jason pulled her into his side and she leaned her head onto his shoulder.

"how is it in there?" she asks quietly so Jazzy and Jaxon couldn't hear her

"its not that bad, I'm pretty much treated like a god but I miss you" he answers

"yeah I miss you too"

"promise you'll visit me every week" while Jason is in the prison all he wanted was to see Alice, he knows that she wouldn't be coming in there anytime soon so once a week is fine for him, he's only been in here a week and he missed her like crazy. Even though his siblings cans be annoying and sometimes he wants to hit them but he loves them to death and he's really missed them. They haven't had the best life in the past but when it was finally getting good this had to happen, at least they have Alice and Jason knows that she would look after them, she was brought up in a well educated family and she's smart so she will be able to help them with school and that kind of things. Jason trusted Alice with all of his heart.

"of course" she answers and looks up into his eyes.

"I love you Alice and I want you to take care of Jazzy and Jaxon, make sure they have an amazing life... they haven't had the best of lives and i want you to make it better and in these couple of years when I'm gone give them the best life"

"Jason you don't have to ask me to do that I'm going to do that anyway, you and those kids are my life now and of course I love you too."

"you promise that while I'm gone no one is going to take my place and you'll still love me?" Jason has always had issues with trust but with Alice he felt like he could trust her with anything but there is always that nudge in the back of his mind scared that she was going to leave him, he obviously didn't deserve her, she was the best thing ever and she was so beautiful, all he ever wanted was someone to spend the rest of his life with and he finally found that person.

"no one can ever replace you Jason, I'll be back every week and I promise I'll wait for you"

They talked for about an hour more and then it was time to leave they all really didn't want to leave but they had to.

if was a long ride home but when Alice arrived the food was ready, Alice, Jazzy and Jaxon was telling Ryan and Chaz about the day they had and how amazing it was to see Jason again.

[[Thank you so much for reading this you have no idea how much it means to me, even if it is only one or two people. This has been going on for a long time and the next chapter will be the last one and will be up next week sometime for sure. This chapter took a while and near the end I was just rambling a lot haha but oh well, I haven't checked the spelling or grammar because I'm really busy. Thank you all and I'll see you next time]]

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