Chapter 20 - that's it

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Years past and every week Alice goes to see Jason, Jazzy and Jaxon are growing up fast and she kept her promise as they are both the top of their class and she was so proud they both went to go see their brother nearly every week but sometimes Jason and Alice just needed time to talk alone. Alice would say that she feels alone but Ryan and Chaz has been there they whole time and even though the rest of the gang went their own ways Alice wishes everyone was still here, both Ryan and Chaz were in relationships and Alice was so proud, she was proud of everything that has happened during these last couple of years, she got a job, it was only at a small local newspaper agency but she loved it.

It was time for Jason to come home and she was so excited, while Jason was gone the house went under a whole lot of construction and renovation so when Jason came back it was like starting a new life, Ryan and Chaz also have their own house now with their girlfriends and they would be moving there as soon as Jason returned and it was only down the h=road so they would always be near each other.

Alice decorated the house with banners and party decorations and also her parents were there as Jason hasn't met them yet, her parents didn't agree with this relationship mostly because Jason was in jail so they automatically think that he's a bad person, but Alice has told them so many good things about him so they are excited to met him. Ryan went to go pick him up and they would be home any second, Alice checks herself in the mirror and smiles.

Her life would be complete in a matter of minutes. Jaxon runs around and Alice catches him she spins him around and while in her arms she straightens him bow tie which has gotten wonky.

"don't run around now okay? Jason will be here any minute" Alice tells him he nods excitedly and she puts him down.

Jazzy then runs around the corner and stops in front of her, Jazzy straightens her dress and flips her hair behind her shoulder, Jazzy takes her hand then Jaxon copies her and takes a hold of Alice's' other hand.

"he's here" Alice hears Chaz shout from the living room, they are all in the foyer and Chaz joins them. I could hardly hear the car doors closing because my heart was beating so loud.

Alice closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, she feels her mothers hand on her shoulder and this is when she opens them.

As soon as the door opens both Jazzy and Jaxon lets go of her hand and they run at almost lightening speed to Jason, they both hug him. Jason looks shocked and looks around the room before meeting eyes with Alice then looking down at the children crying into his shirt. He bends down slightly and takes both of them into him arms.

Alice has tears falling down her face she tries to take a step forward but its almost like her legs don't work. her mother and father hug Alice from the side and she rests her head on her fathers shoulder.

"Go get him girl" her father says which makes both her mother and her laugh.

they both let go of her and the feeling in the legs come back and she takes a breath and takes  a step forward and another one then another one till Jason comes into view. He gets back up from talking with the kids and a massive smile appears on his face.

"Alice this is amazing, the house is a amazing, this little thing is amazing and of course you're amazing" he laughs at the end part, he gives her a big hug and more tears fall from her eyes, they land on his shirt.

"oh my god Jason thank god you're home, I've missed you so much" Alice sobs,

"hey baby stop crying, I'm here now forever I swear"

she pulls away from the hug and kisses him on the lips, just a quick one but hey they were kids around and her parents were just a couple of steps back.

"who are they?" Jason whispers, meaning my parents who look very lost and confused.

Alice wipes her tears and laughs slightly.

"my parents, they want to meet you"

"seriously they want to meet me?"

"of course, go talk to them" Alice tells him and he nods.

She stands back and he walks straight to them, he was nervous she could tell by his walk but that was cute, they hit right off as after introducing themselves her father and Jason, well more like her father pull Jason into a hug, at first it startled him but then he relaxed into the hug, as she now knew that they would be okay she turned away.  Everyone was so happy and once Jason was done talking with Alice's parents he started talking to Chaz, they hugged and that and laughed about a lot of things.

Alice bought a cake for Jason and after that and party food it was time for everyone to leave. Alice said goodbye to her parents they Jason and the kids and they left then Ryan and Chaz had just finished packing their stuff in the car, even though they would be just going down the road it would be easier to go by car. Alice and Jason said bye to them and said that they would see them tomorrow, as they were saying bye to the kids Alice and Jason stud back, Alice was in Jason's arms.

"I'm so glad you're back, I love you so much"

I love you too"

[[I said that this was the end of this story but I kinda lied, there will be a epilogue which should be up in the next couple of days, I thought that would be good to show like 5 or so years after Jason's return. There maybe a lot of mistakes in this I haven't checked it because I just wanted to get this part up. Thank you so much to the 2 people that read my story now and I just want to tell you that you are the best. sorry its a little late up but had a bit of writers block but here it is]]

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