Chapter 5 - So close.

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Ryan was in a zone just after that stab. It was like he was replaced with an emotionless...doll. His eyes were dark and focused on one thing, Carly. The knife remained in her leg. He picked up a baseball bat.

"Now, you're going to tell me what you were doing here and how did you find us?" Ryan asks, he holds the bat up and gets ready to hit her but she screams for him to stop, Ryan stops.

"I was told to do a report on you or i'd lose my job, i had to find out what you were up to so i did some research and found this address, i didn't know it was the right one so i came to check it out. Please let me go, i didn't do anything wrong. Please." She explains. Her sobs getting louder as she goes along.

"We cant let you go, you see you now know my name, Emily's name. You know where our hide know way too much already." Ryan tells her.

"Ryan...cant we just let her go, we can make her promise that she wont say anything" i suggest.

"You see emily, our lives then will revolve around a stupid fucking promise. She may break that promise, then we will get put in jail, Jason may even be killed because of the things he's done don't want that do you?" I looked down at the floor not wanting to meet Ryan's gaze that was stabbing into me. Do I want Jason to go to jail? I should want to but...I-I don't.

I shake my head and diverted my gaze to a shadow in the doorway, I then noticed it was Jason. I keep looking in between Ryan and Jason, the tension of the situation was almost...scary, it felt like someone was going to lash out. Ryan noticed Jason by the door.

"Jason...this is urrr...Carly." I could sense the fear in Ryan's voice, isn't Ryan supposed to be Jason's best friend or something.

"Ryan, I would like you to leave" Jason says emotionless, it was like he didn't care for his best friend. Ryan put what he had in his hands down and walked straight past Jason out of the room.

" cant stay here no more, it's too dangerous." He tells me.

"Jason, please I have no where else to go. I can protect myself from danger-" I got cut off.

"Emily, this is not up for discussion, pack your things, you're leaving tomorrow at midday" his gaze then moves to Carly, he sighs.

"Carly is it? Anyway... I would have let you go but...I can't. I'm not really in the mood for anything today so...Emily? She can stay in your room, till tomorrow, do not let her go!" Jason states before turning around and going out of the room.

It was only me and Carly now. I look around and when I was sure that no one was looking I run to her and pull out the knife. She hisses in pain.

"I'm sorry" I whisper, while shaking my head. I untie her and help her stand up. I support her and we walk to my well our room. I sit her on the bed.

"Alice, how did you get in?" Carly asks quietly.

"I'm Emily here. I'm the 'sister' of a gang member who died not long ago." I put air marks over sister with my fingers. Carly laughs slightly and shakes her head.

"That is...brilliant" she breaths.

"Do you want shower? I'll lay out some clothes for you." I ask.

"Sure, thank you" Carly stands up and winces a little, but gains her balance not long after,she goes into the bathroom and has a shower. I lay out some clothes and necessities for her on the bed.

I lay on my bed and take out my work laptop, I type up what just happened and sent it to my boss. I don't know what he'll do but i hope he finds a way to get her out. I didn't notice that it toke me 20 minutes to do this till Carly walked out the bathroom and I looked at the clock.

Carly had a towel around herself, she looked on the bed and her eyes lit up.

"Thank you" she says once again before picking up the underwear, she looks at the tags and nods slightly, I guess we're the same size then.

"Carly, its nothing" I say.

**2 hours later**
Despite our newspapers being different, me and Carly become really good friends. We discussed our mission, her boss gave her a similar mission to mine. My boss emailed me back saying that he was sending help. It was kind, Carly is literally his enemy but if he didn't help it would be like sending her to her death. I hear a bang on the door downstairs. It wasn't a knock it was a bang, me and Carly's eyes snapped to the door, that was probably her rescue. I heard a few gun shots and then people running up the stairs, this wasn't supposed to happen, no one was supposed to get hurt. The door breaks down and loads of people pile in, they were all shouting different things that I didn't even know what to do. Carly's eyes met mine and I nod slightly telling her that it's alright.

"You." A man said while pointing to me. I notice that these were from Carly's newspaper and they didn't know who I was or that I was undercover. I see Jason in the door way, trying to get in.

The man gets his gun out and my eyes widen, I step back but hit my wall. My eyes fill with tears, I'm gonna die. He cocks his gun and holds it to my head. Carly shouts for him to stop but he doesn't listen, everything goes in slow motion, Jason comes running towards me, Carly screams, the mans finger was slowly applying pressure to the trigger.

Jason pushes the man which makes the trigger release the bullet, instead of feeling the pain in my head I felt nothing for a couple of seconds, everyone looked at my stomach I look down and blood was all over my hands, my shirt was soaked in blood. That's when I noticed what happened. I got shot. The pain flushes over me like a wave and I fall to the floor. Everyone starts clearing out of the room, Jason knees in front of me and I feel my eyes start to close. Jason's eyes bore straight into mine, I see fear, worry in his eyes before closing my eyes. I hear Jason shouting for someone before I couldn't even hear no one anymore.

[[sorry for the long wait but ive been busy because of christmas and also sorry because its short. Hope you like it. 5 views for the next chapter]]

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