Chapter 11 - Dinner

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**2 days later**
Jason hasn't left my side since the accident, the kids have been so happy with him around but they do get scared of him and with what happened I would too if I was their age but I'm not, I'm a 20 year old women and I know about these things what is this age go through. Never tried drugs but one of my late friends tried to make me try them...later that night she passed in her sleep, the drugs in her system made one of her organs fail which meant all the others followed like dominoes.

I was in the kitchen cooking dinner when Jason came in.

"I can look after myself Jason, I'm not 2 years old" I tell him.

"I know you can but I wanna try and make up for what I did, what I let happen to you."

I sigh and and turn to look at him, the pasta was nearly boiling over so he leaned over and took the pan off the job, he moved it to the side. He was so close to me...but I loved it, I had to force myself not to let out a moan as his warm breath tickled my neck slightly. My breath hitched at the back of my throat. His cologne whiffed up my nose and he

"the pasta nearly over boiled" He tells me, he pulls back but our hands brush against each other's, tingling spreads throughout my body. How does he do this? How does he make me feel like this? Our eyes meet as he felt the same.

"Thanks" I breathed finally able to actually move.

He has a smirk on his face as he notices how flushed I am. God, Alice don't let him get to you! I clear my throat before turning back around to inspect the bolognese sauce, it was nearly done and I could still feel Jason behind me.

"C-could you set the table?" I manage to get out.

Without saying a word he moved to the side and got the plates out of the cupboard, when he left to the dining room I let out a big sigh. I drained the pasta and put it into a bowl. The sauce just finished and that's when Jason came back in. He eyed the food and licked his lips, he looks so sexy when he does that!

Getting a chopping board I carry it in the dining room with the sauce, Jason got the idea and followed me with the pasta. I place the chopping board down and put the pan on top so it doesn't burn the expensive table cloth covering the glass. Jason, with one hand on my waist leans over and puts the pasta bowl next to it.

His touch gives me shivers.

"I'll shout the kids" he whispers in my ear while his warm breath once again made me flush.

He moves and goes up the stairs to get Jaxon and Jazzy. I dish out the food just in time as they both came into the room. Jason trailed behind them both, he gave me a smile. I didn't know if I should return it or not so I looked away and sat down.

Of course jazzy and Jaxon wanted to sit together so there was only 2 places set up which were together. I knew he did this on purpose but I didn't want to be rude and move so I sat. Jason sat beside me and grabbed the fork he had beside his plate.

Jason smelt the food. Jaxon smells the food before dipping his finger in and jazzy did the same. I swear the McCann kids are so weird, but I guess they like it as they all took a big bite. I then started eating.

Half way through I fell a little tug on my hand, I look down and see Jason pulling my hand towards his lap. He then starts playing with my fingers, a shock went up my arm and I freeze half bite. He then intertwines our hands, I know I shouldn't have but I squeeze his hand a little, I swallow the half eaten food in my mouth before noticing something...I had feelings for him, deep feelings.

**Jason's P.O.V**
This was like heaven right now, my favourite food, my family and the girl who I'm unconditionally in love with. I couldn't help but hold her hand and when she squeezed mine I think my heart skipped a beat, I've got to be in heaven, my life has never been this amazing before. Alice freezes, we could all notice it but she snaps back into reality about a minutes later. We all finish our food and we didn't let go of each others hands

[[ I want to dedicate this chapter to for helping me with this chapter and helping me through my writers block. Also guys sorry it's a short chapter, don't forget to vote and comment. ]]

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