Chapter 7 -The Reveal

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I look up at everyone at the table.

"Excuse me" I say before getting up and going into the kitchen.

I answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello" I greet.

"Alice, I'm getting impatient. Have you got anything for me!?" He shouts through the phone.

Oh god.

"Hmm...sir, I'm so sorry but what I've sent you is all I've got" I say quietly, not wanting anyone to hear me.

"My contact saw you earlier today with 2 children...that's not your job!" He shouts the last bit.

I sigh.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I've done everything i can, they don't trust me enough yet. I need more time." I tell him.

"Next week...that's all you've got left...or that's it, you'll loose your job here." He said seriously.

"Mr Young, please, I can't make them trust me. I need to take my time or they'll get suspicious." I whisper.

"Miss Downing, I mean it" he says before hanging up.

That's my job gone, all I needed was a way to tell everyone who I really was without them killing me. I put my phone back and stroll back into the dining room, I sat back down and carried on eating my food.

"Is everything okay?" Jason asks.

"Yeah, everything's fine" I lie.

He probably knew I was lying, he's the leader of the most dangerous group in the world.

30 minutes went by and jazzy and Jaxon were talking about what they did today. I was cleaning the table and Jason was listening to every single word they said.

I put all of the remains in the bin before pulling the plates and dishes into the dish washer.

"What's wrong?" Someone asks.

I turn to face them and Jason was stud at the door way.

"Nothing...everything's fine" I reply.

"There is, don't you like this job?" He asks confused.

"Jason, I love this job, I really do. It's just...look, I'm not...macs sister, I'm not related to Mac in anyway-" I finally told him, he narrows his eyes at me and cuts me off.

"Who the fuck are you then?" The anger radiated off of him.

"My names not Emily, its...Alice. I work for a newspaper, my boss wanted us to have the first article on you and your group. At first I was trying to gather as much information as I could but...I-i began to like you all and I just couldn't help but just slow down. My boss is pushing me to get some stuff but I'm gonna lose my job anyway so what's the point. I'm so sorry I lied. If you want me to leave I understand-" I rant but he holds his hand out to stop me.

"Emily or Alice or whatever the fuck your name is...I can't believe you've done this to us. You lied!...but you didn't give your boss anything important. I should be angry right now but...I'm not, I can't get angry at you. I-I thought I loved you, I DONT love, but you have to come out with this..." Jason rants. At the end he's looking at me.

He thought he loved me? What?

"Jason I-I can leave if you want-" I start but he shakes his head and cuts me off.

"Emily, I mean Alice, you can stay." He says before saying bye to the kids and walking out the house.

I let out a breathe that I didn't know I was holding...that was intense.

[[is it a little early for her to be doing this? Oh well...I had writers block and this is the first thing that came to my head. I haven't planned how this is going to go, it's just coming to me as I write so sorry if some bits don't make sense. Also sorry that it's a small chapter, I felt that it was a good way to end it.

When I asked for 20+ views for the next chapter it took a while to get this time I'm asking for only 15+ views for the next chapter.]]

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