Chapter 17 -what now?

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Alice was never the one for having boyfriends, in the whole 20 years of her life she's had hardly any boyfriends, she could count them on one hand. Even though she didn't have many to compare Jason too, she felt like he was the one, he's always there for her and will do anything for her. Alice's mother and father didn't have a problem with him, they loved that he was already a family man, they loved that even though they didn't know what Jason did for a living that he could provide for Alice. Since the accident with Carly things have died down with the gang, every now and then they come see them and Alice will either make dinner or they will go out together for a meal. Although Jason does still do heists and what not they are nothing big, he's a master at not being caught, everyone knew this.

Alice and Jason was in the kitchen cleaning places while Jaxon and Jazzy was watching tv when Jason got a call. He answered and walked away to answer his call in piece. Alice didn't hear it all but she did hear some of it.

"What do you mean they know where I am?" Jason asks into the phone, well more like shouts into it. He peaks round the corner and looks straight at Alice, she stood still and faced him...

"But wait...that means they'll be outside now?" Fear was built onto his face.

"Alice, get the kids and go upstairs. Don't let them see what's just about to happen" Jason tells Alice.

She looks straight at him but finally moves towards him. She wraps her arms around him.

"Jason...I love you"

"I love you too"

She reaches up and gives him a kiss, a tear slides down her cheek. She didn't need to be told who this was, she already knew. Police. She wipes her tear and clears her throat, she was scared.

Looking up at Jason she detaches herself from him. She goes straight into the living room where jazzy and Jaxon was.

"Come on kids lets go upstairs, yeah?" Alice says to them and they run upstairs, excited to be with her.

Without looking back at Jason she goes upstairs she couldn't look at him because she knew that she would break down.

A bang happens downstairs and Alice turns the TV up that she turned on and the kids were watching cartoons on it, they didn't know what was going on downstairs and she was glad about that. Then she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Alice was scared. Really scared. What would happen when Jason goes to jail? What about the kids? Alice knows that Jason wont snitch on everyone else so at least she won't be by herself but the only one she wanted was Jason. More bangs came from downstairs but this time the kids look up noticing the noise.

"just ignore it, everything's going to be fine okay?" Alice tells them.

She stands up and peaks out the door...

[[Sorry this is so short but its been hard writing this chapter because unfortunately there is only going to be 3 or so more chapters. This was supposed to be a short story anyway but I've loved writing this even though the chapters are so far apart haha I just haven't got time to write anymore so I'm aiming to get this finished by the end of September but with my updating it maybe the end of next year XD I really don't know but I'm so happy about all the support I've gotten in this story and hopefully when I have more time I will start another not really sure what its going to be yet but its going to be a while yet.

Thank you so much for reading, leave a like, comment or whatever and I'll see you all next time

p.s- the song at the top is my favourite song at the moment you should defiantly listen to it]]

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