Chapter 2 - The move.

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I sit down on my bed and sigh. I don't think i can do this but these people don't act like criminals, especially Jason, he's supposed to be the leader but he's been the nicest to me. Living in this house has now literally put my life in danger, what if they found out who i am, they would kill me and all of the little family I've got. This was a terrifying job but someone has to do it and that someone is me.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, i take it out and its a text from my boss.
'Downing, how are you doing so far?'
I reply.
'I am doing well, boss.'
I press send and slip it back into my pocket.

Act badass. Thats what i need to do, how are you supposed to act badass?

I should go back to my proper flat and get everything packed, yeah thats what i'll do. I take one more look around my room before getting off the bed and going downstairs.

"Hello?" I say loudly as i cant see anyone.

"Yeah" a voice says from behind me.

I turn to meet the voice and a tall man stands there, he has short brown hair and a couple of tattoos.

"Im just going to collect some things, i'll be back soon" i say

"Alright, I'm Joel by the way" he greets.

"Nice to meet you Joel I'm ali-Emily" shit! Why did i just say that, i was so close to revealing myself then!

Joel looked confused but nodded and let me go anyway. I walk out the house while shaking my head. Oh my god! Im so stupid. I unlock my car am get inside. I put my seatbelt on and drive away, when i reach my apartment i get out of my car. I look around the street before going inside the building, i don't know why i do that its just a habit. I walk up the stairs as the lift broke, my apartment was on floor 8 so you had to do a lot of walking. When i reached my apartment i go inside and immediately start packing, i need to get this done as quick as possible.

**2 hours later**
I have now finished packing and everything is in my car, my car was quite big and i didn't have a lot of things as i had to buy a whole new wardrobe for this look. I get back into my car. My phone buzzes and i look at it, its the moving truck company. I press answer and put it to my ear.


"Miss Downing, we have arrived in Toronto, where would you like your belongs dropped off?" The man asks

"Hmm...can i come and collect it? Im busy and not going to be in so will that be okay? " i just didn't want my things to go straight there, that would defiantly blow my cover.

"Of course, thank you miss Downing, your belongings will be at the office."

"Thank you" i say before hanging up, well thats more things to put in my car, i look back and see that there probably is enough space for my other things, i didn't ask them to bring much.

I sigh before setting off and going to the moving office. Once i get there i go to the desk.

"A pick up for Alice Downing" i state.

The women looks up at me and points to a pile of boxes in the corner of the room. I had 7. A man comes out of the back and helps me put them into the car, once done i thank him and go back in my car. Putting my seat belt on i start the car, then I was off once again.

Turning the radio on my favourite song came on, 6 words by wretch 32. I start singing quietly until i arrive back at the house. I didn't want any of the people to carry my boxes because obviously it has personal information and things in these. I get put the and get 2 of the boxes, i turn around to walk back to the house and Jason, Joel and Joanne stands there.

"Do you want us to help?" Jason asks.

"No its okay" i demand.

"Im not taking that as an answer." Jason says before all three of them take 2 boxes each.

I hope they don't look into them. Please god!

I start walking to the house and the others follow. This goes on for about 20 minutes till we've finished. I was now in my room unpacking things, i had a box which had a lock on it, i put all of my files and paperwork in there, all of my ID badges go in there too just incase and any family photos, i couldn't have them around, i also had two laptops, one was just a normal one which i put on the desk but my other one had all of my work on it, i also put this in with the other things. The box was nearly full.

I didn't think that they'd invite me to live here. They've known me for a couple of minutes and I'm already living here. This assignment might be easier than i thought.

I put my toiletries into my en suite bathroom and put the little clothes that i have into the closet. This place was huge, i know i said it was a house but i think i should start calling it a mansion.

I sit on my bed and sigh, I've unpacked everything but what now? Should i go downstairs and see if everyone is in? Should i just stay here? I don't even know!

For this badass girl effect I've had to buy a lot of things and my manager gave me loads of money to buy new things. Maybe i could go shopping tomorrow, this Joanne is it? She seems alright and could help me with this.

**Jason's P.O.V (point of view)**
Oh god! She is perfect! I need to bang her. I don't care if shes Mac's sister, sorry bro but shes banging hot! Earlier everyone was starting at her, i got mad and snapped at her. It wasn't my fault I've got a short temper and before I've had her no one else is.

I need to get on with my work. Right now I'm sat in my office looking through a deal from another group. It was something about joining forces, i didn't really read the rest i just rolled my eyes and screwed it up and threw it into the bin.

My mind just wonders back to Emily. She would be perfect for this group. Chaz was the hacker, Ryan was my right hand man but Emily could be my right hand women.

Someone knocks on my door which interrupts my thoughts.

"Come in" i snap.

Ryan opens the door and closes it behind him, he sits in the chair in front of my desk.

"Today i was out and the small group...which i cant remember the name of near the bad side of town got me down, Jason i think they're planning something, they might have been mad about you declining their offer about the drugs." Ryan, my best friend told me.

"Ryan, i assure you that even if they are planning something what could they do which would have a big impact on us? Nothing! Tell Chaz to try and get into their hard drive, they may have something on there." I tell him. He nods and walks out.

[[thank you for reading. Sorry nothing good is happening yet but its gonna take a couple of chapters to get into the main plot.]]

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