Chapter 8 - H-He can't?

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I'm sat in the living room, Jazmyn and Jaxon are sat either side of me.

"Guys, you've only known me for a day. Today...when Jason was here I nearly lost my job and well my life, I can't obviously keep it from you two so, my name isn't Emily. It's Alice." That's all I was gonna say, they didn't have to know about my job and that.

"It's okay, i don't mind and I'm sure Jaxon doesn't mind." Jazmyn says sweetly.

I smile at the two and Jaxon nods. Aww, my little...babies. I guess I could call them that, I mean I now am their nanny.

"Well come on then, it's time for bed, we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow!" I state. The excitement in both of their faces was adorable.

Both of them run up the stairs and I follow slowly behind. When I get up to Jaxon's room he's already dressed and was brushing his teeth in his en suite bathroom. These kids are so spoilt. He comes out jumping a minute later and goes straight to his bed.

"Can you put my DVD on please?" He asks.

I smile and nod. I take the remote and turn it on. I see that 'despicable me' is in, I press play and kiss his head.

"Night handsome." I say before turning his night light on and the proper light off, I keep his door slightly agar.

I make my way down to Jazmyn's room and when I enter, I get attacked with pink. Everything was pink! Her doors, her windows were tinted pink, her carpet, her walls, her bed, even her tv and toys.

"Alice can you brush my hair?" Jazzy asks. I look the way the voice came and she was at her little pink vanity table. She was dressed in her night clothes and her teeth were brushed.

I walk to her and take the brush which was in her hand. I start brushing.

"You've got beautiful hair, just like a princess" I tell her. The smile on her face just got bigger. I finish and put the brush down. She jumps up and goes to her bed, she cuddles with her stuffed animals and dolls on her bed. Her TV was already on playing 'barbie: the princess and the pauper'. I put the night light on and turned the light off like I did with Jaxon. I kiss her head.

"Sleep well beautiful" I whisper. Her eyes close and I walk out, leaving the door slightly open just like Jaxon's.

I turn around and bump into something hard. I gasp in fright. When I look up Jason's face appears.

"You scared me" I whisper.

"Are the kids in bed?" He asks. Not even bothering to be in anyway quiet. I nod

"Good" he says before putting a cloth over my mouth. Chloroform. I feel my eye lids getting heavy, my legs buckle but before I hit the floor a pair of arms hold me up. The last thing I see is Jason's face. He looked so upset but looked determined.

** 2 hours later**

I go to rub my eyes as I open them but my arms are being held behind my back. I look around and im tied to a chair...what the fuck?

"Hello?" I shout.

It was a dark room with just a light which illuminates just a small circle around me. It was like a room from a horror movie. Not far away but not in arms reach was a couple of wheely trays with different knifes and torture weapons laid out on them.

"Hello?" I shout again.

This time someone comes out of the dark. Jason.

"Jason, what's going on? Let me go" I beg.

I try and pull at the ropes to try and at least loosen them.

"You betrayed us" he said.

That makes me stop and snap my head up at him. Oh god, I'm gonna die!

The Reporter (A Jason McCann love story) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now