Chapter 9 - the kiss

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I pick her up and take her up the stairs, her old room is now filled with some computers and shit for Chaz so the only place I could take her is to my room, so I did.

With my spare hand I pull the duvet down and lay her down, I pull the duvet back up and tuck her in, I push a piece of hair that was in her face behind her ear.

Wow. I just can't get over her beauty.

I go into the bathroom and get a rag and wet it, after ringing it out I bring it back out with me. I dap and wash all the dry blood off her face.

I didn't know my feelings for her clearly yet, but damn did I feel something!

I put the rag away and pull up a chair I had at my mini desk to the side of the bed she was laid at. I sit and take her hand in mine my thumb rubbing her hand.

Her chest moved up and down as she breathed, her hair framed her face perfectly, her eyes were the most beautiful blue. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Jazzy and Jaxon love her already. Alice was the best when it came to them, she's only known them a day and she's already classing them as her own.

I feel my head already starting to sag, I was so tired, lots of things have gone off today but I really didn't care about that, the only thing I cared about was Alice. She won't wake up yet though so just a little bit of sleep won't hurt right?

Still holding onto her hand I put my head down and close my eyes.

*next morning*

I feel someone poking my head. I moan slightly and a giggle erupts from someone's throat. Who was that? My head snaps up and Alice is laid there looking at me with a big smile on her face.

"Oh god, Alice are you okay?" I stress, my hands go straight to her face and cup both of her cheeks.

"Jason im fine, I've got a little headache but nothing major" she answers.

I calm down a little and look into her eyes, my hands stay on her cheeks. I want to kiss her so much right now. Should i? Shouldn't i?

**Alice's P.O.V**
He looks into my eyes and I look into his. His eyes were full of lust and love. I wanted to kiss him but I don't at the same time, it's complicated. I'm literally having a war with my self in my head. Should I? Shouldn't i? I don't even know.

Jason leans in a bit but me being me overthinks this and put my hand out to stop him. Jason's face drops and goes slightly pink from embarrassment.

"S-sorry" he stutters.

Did Jason McCann just apologise to me? Anyway I felt bad now for doing this to him.

"Jason, it's not you. It's me. I want to kiss you but...I'm not ready yet, I don't want to rush things" I chose my words carefully to make sure I didn't say something offensive to him or something.

"Alice everyone uses that for an excuse. If you like me kiss me, if not don't. It's simple." He narrows his eyes and I feel so bad.

Fuck it!

I took my chance and leaned in, I close my eyes and pucker my lips a little, it took all the courage I had but I did it. I kissed Jason McCann and it was wonderful, I've kissed boys before but I didn't care for them, mine and Jason's kiss was amazing.

Jason deepens the kiss and his hand cups my cheek. Our lips move in synch. It felt like we fit together. It sounds like some stupid fairytale but that's what it felt like, something out of a movie or book. It didn't feel real.

He pulls away and we both catch our breaths, our foreheads touching and our eyes still closed. I don't know it heaven is real but if it is it would probably feel like this. All my body had chills and I had butterflies in my stomach, my whole body felt like it was on fire.

I finally open my eyes and his golden honey brown eyes are already staring down at me.

"I've been waiting for that for a while now" he admits.

A deep chuckle erupts from his throat while a small giggle erupts from mine. I never giggle, but around's different. I've never felt this open with anyone before, I feel like I can tell him anything.

[[i haven't fallen off the face of the earth guys, sorry I haven't updated in ages and also sorry it's short! Tell me what you think]]

The Reporter (A Jason McCann love story) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now