Chapter 4 -He's back.

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**2 days later**
In 2 days you wouldn't think that a lot of things would have gone off but god were you wrong. Jason left yesterday and said he would be back today. I need to know what he's done.

My boss emailed me and asked for all of the notes I've got so far so i had to type them all up and give him them, he wants more, way more.

Ive become best friends with Joanna and Rosie, we do everything together. When Jason comes back we all are apparently going to dinner. This is what I'm scared about. What if someone recognises me and blows my cover, what if i slip up and tell them something i shouldn't tell them.

Theres always a possibility that i could get found out, thats why i always have to stay alert.

Bored, i stand up from my desk chair in my room, I'm supposed to be doing research on Jason, i need to try and find out about his background and family. I couldn't be bothered.

Its 12:36pm.

I sigh in annoyance, today is going so slow!

They front door opens and i hear a chorus of 'hi's and 'hey's. Jason must be back then.

I decide to go say hello so i go down the stairs, he was stud in the living room. I go up to him.

"Hi, welcome back" i greet.

He smiles slightly and hugs me, a shock runs down my spine which makes me gasp and shiver lightly. What the hell is this?

"Hi." He replies.

He pulls away after a couple of seconds. His smile turned into a smirk. Jason then goes past me and goes to his other friends.

What was that? It felt...nice. My eyes follow his figure walking into the kitchen. I follow. Theres only me and Jason in the kitchen.

"Jason...where did you go?" I ask, curiosity taking the better of me. He narrows his eyes at me.

"Somewhere" he snaps at me.

"I just wanted to know" i say while putting my hands up in defence.

He looks into my eyes and seems to calm down a little. I stare into his eyes, i notice they are the most beautiful caramel brown colour, but filled with sadness and hurt. I lift my hand up and i go to cup his cheek but he flinches and moves away.

"Jason... whats wrong?" I ask, concern clearly in my voice.

I wasn't supposed to care but i was one of those people who only tried looking at the good of the person and not the bad. That was a weakness of mine.

"E-Emily, l-leave me alone" his voice cracks a little, it was only for a millisecond but i caught it.

Jason McCann was not the one to get emotional, i know that, but i just think this got to him too much. He looks at me and when he notices I'm not going to move he purses his lips.

"I told you to leave me alone" he snaps.

I swear he's bipolar, his mood changes like...that, its confusing. Im not going to move though, i wanted to know where he went and i wasn't moving till i got the answer. I stand my ground, i cross my arms so it covers my chest.

"Where were you?" I ask impatiently.

Jason narrows his eyes at me.

"Like i said somewhere" he snaps.

"Jason, I'm serious. Where?"

"I...i went to the other side of town, i had some business to attend to, it was something about deal but i guess it doesn't matter because i didn't even agree" he finally replies.

"See that wasn't hard, was it?" I tease.

He sighs and shakes his head. Jason now goes into the other room, leaving me behind. I sigh when he leaves the room, i look around the kitchen. In the days I've been here i haven't seen a trace of drugs, only cigarettes and alcohol and they didn't use too much of that either. They didn't mean like a badass group really, they were nice people but they all got into the wrong group. I though that was a little weird as they aren't bad people but classed as the most dangerous people in the world at the moment.

I go to the cupboard and take a glass out, going to the fridge i look at my phone which i toke got out of my pocket, a message from my mother appeared on the screen.

'Hi sweetie, how are you doing? Make sure you come home for 2pm on Sunday for dinner. Love you'

I roll my eyes. I take the orange juice out of the fridge and pour a glass. I put it back when I'm done and take a sip of the juice.

I remember Jason saying that mac didn't have any family, so i cant tell the truth and say that I'm going to dinner with my family. I don't really want to lie, but hey i might as well I've got so many lies going on at the moment so why not add another one to the list...i stop my thoughts... i don't want my family to get caught up in this, they could get hurt or even worse killed. I have no idea what could happen, this gang is so unpredictable they seem like a nice group of people but the things they do...aren't nice.

I hear a high pitched scream coming from the living room, i gulp the rest of my juice and put the glass into the sink to get washed.

Another scream reaches my ears, i fast walk to the living room and see a women tied in a chair in the middle of the room. She seemed familiar. Everyone was standing around her in a circle.

"Emily...nice for you to be here, maybe you could help. This is Carly Taylor, she's a reporter, i found her outside trying to sneak in." Ryan explains.

Carly Taylor. She works for 'The First' newspaper, i know that because our newspaper and theirs are rivals. I know her from meetings. Her eyes widen at the sight of me. I put my finger to my lips silently begging her to be quiet.

I could see her fighting with herself in her head. I am her enemy but if she says something it wont just be her life in danger, it would also be mine.

"Ryan, what are you going to do?" I ask.

"Well, if we let her go she'll go tell where we are and i happen to like this place, i don't want to move again." He replies.

I look at Carly, her eyes build up with tears, one slips out and runs down her cheek. I couldn't bare to watch this but for some reason i couldn't look away. Ryan picks up a knife from the table.

"Guys, leave. Except you emily, you can watch." These people are sick! Everyone goes, that leaves me, Ryan and Carly.

Ryan kneels down in front of Carly with the knife still in his hands. He teases her with the tip of the knife, as he trailed it all the way down her leg. She was wearing a white blouse, see though black tights, black high heels and a tight black skirt, her hair was tided back into a bun, because of all of the distress bits of hair fell out of the bun and framed her face. Don't get me wrong she was beautiful, she could have been a model but decided to go for something more professional.

Ryan then trailed it back up he leg but when he reached mid thigh he applies more pressure which goes through her skirt, tights and skin a little, she gasps in pain. I flinch at the harshness, he hasn't even got started yet.

"What were you doing on our property?" Ryan asks.

"I-i was...nothing" she answers.

Ryan rolls his eyes and stabs her in the leg, Carly screams out in pain. My eyes widen.

"Ryan, stop!" I yell.

"Emily, i wanted you here so you could see what we do, so shut up and sit down" he snaps while pointing the the wooden chair about 5 foot from where he was.

That was a little too close for me so i moved the chair back a couple more feet before sitting down. This is going to be a long day. Carly screamed in pain again as Ryan twisted the knife in her leg.

[[sorry about the wait but its finally up. I was going to write more but i decided to leave it like this. Evil i know haha. I was going to put a song with each chapter but i cant think of any, if you find any which related to the chapter please comment. Comment. Vote. Follow. Thank you for reading.]]

The Reporter (A Jason McCann love story) (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now