1. Silver lining (Neo Pov)

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It's been a month now since I've lost her.
Days were passing by so slowly and painfully .
But I was still trying to get used to it .
It was 9pm . I was having dinner with mom and dad.

"Neo honey , it's going to be okay. It hurts now but it will fade away I promise " mom comments trying to cheer me up.

" we all must experience loss in our lives , and it only makes us learn to love the ones we're around more " dad agrees.

I nod my head slightly and play with the food in my plate.
A few months ago if you've seen me , you would have thought wow he has it all .
Looks , grades , popularity and money.
But none of that mattered to me because I've always felt alone.
But when I met her everything changed , but now she's gone and I'm back to square one.

The front door of our house was suddenly collapsed by a force from outside.
I stand up abruptly next to my mom ready for what will happen next.
"Lillian go now and take neo with you " dad shouts as he presses a button under one of the shelves and pushes mom and i towards a secret passage which I never knew about downstairs.
The floor opened automatically and there were stairs that leaded to the another underground floor.

"What the hell im not a 7 year old dad !" I scream.

A bunch of men in black suits barged in and there was drake Collins dad's partner from the laboratory he worked in.
"I love you Princeton" mom whispers and a tear rolls down on her cheek.

"I love you too take care of neo " he smiles sadly.

"Dad.." I say confused.

"GO NOW PLEASE !" Dad ushers and mom takes my hand after we ran downstairs the door of the secret passage closed.

"Go get them!" Drake yells.

Mom kept running hurriedly through the halls .
There was sound of gunshots behind that scared the shit out of me.
It was a secret passage that was still unfinished. It looked like a gold mine, with neon white lights lightning the way.
We reached the end of it and climbed the stairs.
We find ourselves at a small house that was furnished but not touched.

"Mom what the fuck is happening !" I exclaim demanding an explanation.

"Son please I'll explain everything but now we need to gather what we need and get out of here right away" she anxiously speaks .

I notice her shivering and her hands were shaking . Her face was pale and her blue eyes were still in shock.
I take her into my arms and caress her hair to calm down her panicking.

"Mom calm down I'm here I won't go anywhere" I acknowledge.

We started to gather useful things like clothes , money , and guns.
We gathered all the objects that can protect us and help us.
I went outside of the house to check if it's safe and called a taxi driver .
"Lincoln hotel please " mom announces.
We arrived at the hotel after an hour . It was faraway next to an Airport .

I sat on one of the beds trying to wrap my head around what's happening.
Mom closed the curtains and locked the door then came to sit next to me.
"I know you have a lot of questions " she begins .

"Lots of them " I agree.

"Why did we leave dad there?" I ask.

"It was the only way to make some time so we can run away from them " she admits.

"Who're they please explain " I beg.

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