23. Just Married

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It's hard to stop a habit when you've been used to it for so long. And when you start to try and stop this habit it takes time to learn and to find a way that is useful enough to end this bad habit once and for all.

He puts his forehead on mine and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close to him. I missed him . It's been two days since I've seen him . Since I've felt his touch and presence .

"Okay " he simply says.

"Okay " I reply and inhale his scent after resting my head on his chest.
He pulls away and clears his voice getting ready to speak again.

"I want to show you something " He speaks. His voice indicating a hint of enthusiasm .

"I have time " I smile .

We get inside of his car and he drove off.
I didn't know where we were going and he didn't want to say , wanting it to be a surprise.
We arrived 30 minutes later . It was a building in a busy neighborhood but now it was not crowded because it was around 11 PM .
After entering the building we arrived in-front of a studio that was in the ground floor.

"Close your eyes " he instructs .
I close them excitedly and then I sense him guide me by my hand . As I follow his directions he adjusts my position telling me to stand exactly where he placed me and not to move. There were some noises like he was preparing something.

"Okay in one two three OPEN!" He exclaims.

I open my eyes gradually and smile knowingly .
He got it . He got that studio.
Then I noticed a flashlight of a camera.  
The camera was hanged around his neck and he looked so competent standing there . He was wearing a plain black shirt and black sweatpants with white converse sneakers . His broad shoulders complimented his tall height . His hair was brought forward covering his forehead . He was holding his camera displaying his muscular arms, with a small smile on his face. He looked beautiful. he fitted perfectly in this place with his gifted features and qualified ambition and skills. He was irresistible.

"Oh my god Neo!" I gush and squeak in excitement.
I grabbed my phone from my pocket and took a picture of him . I wanted to remember how he looked like with passion and persistence beaming in his eyes.
" I bought it. It's not rented it's mine" he explains proudly.

"Dude! " I exclaim.
I ran to hug him . I wrapped my legs around him and he picks me up to support me.

"And the camera?" I ask.

"it's already mine. I took a picture of you . I wanted to have a photo of your first reaction after seeing the studio " he smiles.

"But I'm not well dressed and-"

"You're talking to a pro athena " he conceitedly admits.

"I had to choose the right subject which is you  and I had a cool composition in mind so I placed these empty frames behind you then I used the lightning of the camera which is perfect " he demonstrates .

"Are you taking photography courses?" I ask suspiciously.

"I started my first course yesterday" he shyly says.

" I'm so so so proud of you " I happily murmur and kiss his cheek.

"After that I'll be taking the Adobe photoshop courses then I'll start working here " he continues.
There was this glimmer in his eyes when he talked about photography that is similar to the light I see when he looks at me.
I was so thrilled to see him like that. He's seems so normal now and I love that.

"What are you thinking about ?" He stops talking realizing my creepy stare.

" you're so sexy when you're talking like that"  I announce and give him a wink.

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