25. Black Is A Happy Color Too

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I've been seeing him these days standing alone, challenging the unknown . Trying to get a job , and regain a normal life that he deserves. But what if the unknown was challenging him back too? The thought of it scared me.

"NEO" I scream in agony and rushed to his side.

"Neo , what happened?" I cry trying to wake him up. He groans and open his eyes slowly. He holds his chest as I help him sit up on the couch and ran to get a glass of water.
I take a seat next to him and wait for him to explain to me. I take the glass from him once he finished and put it on the table in front of us.

"Athena it's okay " he chuckles.

"What? You passed out Neo" I argue.

"It's because I spent all day working hard . I didn't have the chance to eat anything . " he explains calmly.

"What about your chest pains?" I say worriedly .

"I went to the doctor . He already told me it's because of work stress and I just need to sleep and take the prescription he told me" he proceeds.

I sigh and look at him . He was clearly sick this time. Pale lips and cold sweats .
"Neo can you take a break ? You've been working non stop these days , maybe a break is what you need " i finish.

"Maybe a day?" I point out.

"Two? " he chuckles.

"Okay " I laugh.

"Let's help you upstairs " I persist .

Neo changed his clothes after taking a hot shower. I wait for him at the rooftop . I took a seat on the swing and looked at the dark sky.
He walked to my place wearing a black hoodie with black sweatpants hiding all his tattoos. He had an ice cap on his head so he doesn't get cold.
"Is black your favorite color?" I question as he takes a seat beside me.

"What's with the beginners question?" He smiles.

"I just noticed that almost all of your clothes are in black " I claim.

"It comes with the bad boy package , I thought you knew" he teases.

"But I like black in general it's elegant " he describes.

"No it's sad " I discuss.

"I mean can you blame the poor color , people associated it with such bad stuff " he disagrees.

"Black sheep, blackout , black magic , blackmail , and so on"

"When it's so beautiful" he admires with a small smile .

"You know why black is not considered a color?" He asks.

"No " I reply interested .

"Because it's all the colors . Black is the absorption of all the colors into one . I know it's produced by the entire absence of light, but look how attractive and powerful it is , even when there's no light" He finishes and looks at the dark sky as a reference .

"It's only a sad color if you associate it with things that are sad " he concludes .

"Woah that did hit differently " I smile in respect.

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