2. Curious Cat

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New Orleans , Louisiana.
Patience is a virtue .
Just like how the seeds take time to grow into such a beautiful flower.
But it still differs from flower to flower , because there are different types and each flower needs its unique time to sprout.

"Athena the perfect guy is just around the corner . " Emily my best friend speaks through the phone after she puts me on speaker.

I look randomly at my room as I hear her talk. The walls of my room were pink. It had that magical fairytale feeling all over the place because of the fairy lights and cartoonish drawings I draw.
Even my bed sheets have unicorns printed all over it .
I like to flaunt all of my likings around me to remind me of all the beautiful things that I like in the world.

"I mean my business is going well. My life has never been better and-"

"Your life is never getting any better dude " My 15 year old brother chuckles while interrupting me. He walks into my room like he owns the place to steal the phone charger.
I sit up on the bed and face him properly.
He had brownish hair and freckles on the bridge of his nose like me. Moreover We share the same eye color Green .
Anyone can easily think that we're twins.

"Go and do your homework pal , grown ups are talking " I fire back.

"Oh I'm sorry . Should I get a yarn and a needle so you can have fun knitting while talking ?" He challenges.

"Athena ? Hello?" Emily questions .

"You little brat! " I shout angrily and run to catch him.

He runs outside of my room and goes to mom downstairs in the kitchen.
The house was big for him to escape from me . The house had two floors and 4 rooms .
It was quite modern , and comfortable.

"Mom ! Help me !" He shrieks and goes behind her to hide from me.

"Athena how many times do I have to say , not to let him get on your nerves " mom addresses me.
"But mom.." I groan.
She turns around and pinch Theo's right ear. "do you want me to take your PS4 ?" She threatens.

"No,No I don't !" He begs in agony.
I fold my arms in front of my chest and stick my tongue out to tease him.
"Poor Theodore " I sigh.

"Now off you go " mom says to him as he walks by me and glares at me.

"Hehe " I whisper with a devilish smile to him.

"Athena " mom speaks as she takes a pie from the oven.

"Yeah mom?" I answer.

"Here take this and welcome the new neighbor next door" she says handing me the pumpkin pie.

"Why me ?" I sigh miserably.

"Theodore has homework to do and I have to make dinner " she explains.

"Can I get a bite as a reward?" I declare as I give the pie a dangerous look.

"No Athena don't you dare " mom warns.

"Fine " I pout.

I take the pie and unlock the door .
I was wearing my clouds pjs , it was a blue sweatshirt and white leggings that had mini blue clouds on them.
My hair was in a messy bun and honestly I was too lazy to change so I just agreed that it's not quite that bad for a 23 year old to welcome her neighbor looking like that.

I opened the fence of our garden and walked to the house next to ours.
It was white and it had large arched windows that definitely let the lights of all seasons in warmly.
The house was modest with a wooden base that gave beach vibes.
I rang the bell and waited.

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