6. Thank God I'm Not Cute

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I consider myself slow witted sometimes . Because sometimes there are answers right in front of me , of questions I want to know their answers but I never notice them.

"Why are you being so mysterious all of a sudden?" I ask suspiciously.

"That's one of the bad boys traits , I thought you knew" he grins.

"Oh how inconsiderate of me" I laugh.

"I'm gonna go , and I'm really sorry again" I explain.

"Me too " he claims while giving me a small smile.
I unlock the door to my house and got inside.
I headed up to my room quietly because the house was calm and quite .
I entered the room and turned the lights on .
After I took a warm shower I went to shut the curtains, I noticed that the lights were off in neo's room and i wonder did the woman leave?

"I'm leaving Theodore , do you want anything ?" I shout .
It was around 3:30 pm and I had to leave to go to the bookstore.
"Here mom wanted me to get some groceries so since you asked here you go" Theodore comments and hands me a small paper.

"Fine " I reply and take the note.

"Thanks " he sarcastically say and left.

"And hey by the way it wasn't luke who saved your butt it was our new neighbor neo" I say in victory.

"I knew later on yes but it was still worth it " he grins wickedly.

"Whatever " I say and glare at him.

I take my coat and head outside.
"About time " Neo states and push his body from behind the car.

"First of all I'm not late we still have like " I stop and check my watch it was 3:40 .

"Like 20 minutes left and it only takes 15 minutes to get there so we will be 5 minutes early " I comment .

He walks leaving me behind .
"Hey wait up!" I yell.

We reach the bookstore and the day began . It was going smoothly and people made lots of purchases today.
"That will be 14 dollars " I comment.

"Here you go" the woman replies while looking at neo.

"Thank you come again!" I smile.

"Oh I'll sure do " she responds and leaves the store.
I leave my seat and went to find neo . He was standing at one of the bookshelves reading a book.

"We made a lot of money today" I mention.

"I guess the new book is a success right?"

"Oh yeah and someone else's looks " I chuckle.

"I think plenty of women come here so they can see you" I conclude.

"Does it bother you?" He teases.

"Oh no it's actually beneficial so keep it up" I laugh.
I go back to my place and turned my Wacom on so I can begin to draw since we don't have customers at the moment.

"What are you drawing?" He questions and stands next to me.

" illustrations for my new book" I answer.

"You write books?" He asks surprised.

"Yup here read the storyline and tell me what do you think " I suggest and give him the papers.
He takes it and went to sit by the tables .
After awhile he comes back again saying "and why didn't you publish it until now? It's so good"

"I know right! I just keep getting rejected and the reason is it's filled with too many details " I sulk.

"I think the details is what makes it good " he replies.

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