21. Storytelling

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I can't just say whatever happens happens and let fate decide what is going to happen. I'm in control. My actions will lead me eventually to the desired plot , beginning , ending that I'll like. Only if I believed that I can, because one's present is created as we speak and as we act.

I take a breath out and shake the thoughts that came to me . I'm supposed to be focusing on my hard work now and finish it off perfectly.
I took my time to examine the hotel clearly now. The lobby was spacious , one of the things I admire about hotels that it can never get very crowded .
It was sophisticated, classy shaped by the large windows that allowed the sunlight to come in naturally. Moreover it displayed an amazing view of the sky and stars at night.

There was A chandelier which made rainbow colors dance freely around the luxurious space. Embellished silk sofas surrounded a large, flat-screen television. It was extremely dreamy I must be so out of it not to notice all of the details when I arrived here .

Then the receptionist guided me to Mr Ethan , he was sitting on one of the couches.
"Hi " I address .

He notices me and stands up facing me. He was a tall man in his early 40's with green grassy eyes and broad shoulders.
"You must be Athena it's so nice to meet you" he warmly greets.

"I must say my daughter is a huge fan she'd be thrilled to see you tomorrow do the storytelling" he continues.

"My very first fan I'm so excited to see her " I reply enthusiastically.

"Well here's our schedule for the next three days " he announces and hands me a copy to take.

"You'll be attending three different places in the next three days , would you like me to give you a tour so you can see these places beforehand ?" he explains .

"Yes I'd love to " I agree in glee.

We took a cab and headed to the locations he previously mentioned.
I honestly fell inlove with city Long Island .
It's beautiful with its various beaches and lighthouses. It was a place for holidays but also work matters here, people were happy to work here because the environment of this island is enough to motivate them and encourage them. It was spectacular with its airy vibes and cool breeze.

The first place was the orphanage. I wanted to participate in something that made all the kids happy not to just raise awareness of the book.
The setting was excellent in a airy room perfect for the equipment. It was decorated with elements from the book itself with trees and stars that lightens up when it's dark. The storytelling will only be part of the show as there will be special effects and music so the kids can feel like they're in the story.

"And here will be the chairs that the kids will sit on " mr Ethan finishes after checking everything else with me.

"How about bean bags with solid bold colors instead of chairs?" I think.

"You know , I want the kids to feel very comfortable and besides it's fun and new " I continue.

"That's smart Miss athena . My daughter hates to sit on chairs it gets uncomfortable after awhile " he approves.

"Well everything here is just perfect you're doing a great job really thank you " I compliment.

"It's all you miss Athena you don't see people everyday participating with half the book profits to create something that will please the kids" he smiles.

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