12. Secret Wishes

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I head downstairs to talk with mom and understand what just happened .
"Mom when were you going to tell me about that dinner ? " I exclaim.

" I was going to when you wake up " she claims and puts the plates on the table for breakfast.
Theo enters the kitchen while yawning and takes his seat.

"When did you plan this ?" I ask curiously and take my seat too.

"Earlier this morning while I was taking out the trash , I saw neo walking his dog so I invited him to have some dinner with us" she explains .

"Oh okay then " I say excitedly.

I notice then Theo resting his face on the back of his hand and his arm was still on the table.
He was slightly snoring and his mouth was opened slightly .
I laugh quietly at his state and thought of an evil idea.
"THEO !" I suddenly yell and he wakes up startled and curses.

"What the hell Athena !" He angrily responds.

"Did you stay up all night again?" I ask suspiciously.

"N-no " he dismisses the subject . Mom sits with us after preparing the breakfast.

"Hmm really?" I chuckle.

"I did but not because of the ps4" he defends.

"I think I will have my first kiss soon" he smiles.

"THEO" I exclaim in surprise.

"A girl from school? do I know her  ?" Mom asks curiously .

"No mom you don't " he explains shyly dismissing the topic .

"Okay okay but I'll meet her sooner or later " mom replies.

"Someone's shy" I say and wiggle my eyebrows .

"Please .." he laughs and digs into his breakfast.

Theo prepared the table for dinner and mom and I were in charge of the food.
Mom cooked her special , spaghetti and meatballs .
I placed the side dishes on the table.
"aren't you going to change to something else other than your pjs?" Theo questions while addressing me.

"Hey! They are not pjs ! They are called comfortable clothes , sweatpants and hoodie can be stylish ! " I ask unconsciously touching them .

"Hopeless .. " he sighs.

"Just change into something comfortable that is not pjs Athena " he sighs .

I huff in annoyance and went upstairs. I looked through my closet and decided to wear leggings and one of my oversized knitted pullovers.
I let my wavy hair down which now reached half of my back. Damn it , it was growing fast.

Soon it was dinner time . Mom and I were already finished and we were waiting for Neo to come , moreover Theo and I kept waiting at the table and mom went to the bathroom.
The door bell rang and I sprinted to the door.

"Athena be cool " Theo sighs.

"I'm cool totally cool" i assure him.

I open the door and there he was looking as good as ever. He was holding a bouquet of sunflowers which were so beautiful.
"Hi " I say excitedly.

"Oh my god you came wearing your pjs?"  I ask in disbelief regretting that I listened to Theo. I analyze his clothes , his hoodie was aesthetic , it was black and oversized and it had thick neon stripes in the middle .
His wavy black hair was a mess but in the right place.

"hey they are not pjs they are just comfortable to wear " he defends.

"That's what I said! But then Theo made me self conscious about it so I changed so I can wear something that will make you .." I stop and realize what I was going to say.

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